" I love you but you know this thing ain't been a walk in the park for us."
I watched as A'draya and Dre walked back into the hotel room as I was getting dress. I'm going out tonight with Chas, I need to clear my mind for a minute.
Dre took forever to bring A'draya back from school but I was relieved that he bought her food so I don't have to stop and buy her anything before I go out.
" Hi mommy." Draya said as she ran to me. I picked her up and kissed all over her cheeks.
" Hey baby, how was school." I asked her.
" It was good, I have homework." She said.
" Let your daddy help you ok, mommy is going out." I told her.
" Where you going mommy, can I come." She asked.
" No you can't." I told her. She pouted as I placed her down. Draya opened the door connecting our bedrooms and walked to her side. She closed the door and all I heard was jumping on the bed.
" Where you going." Dre asked as he stood up against the wall, folding his arms.
" Can you watch her for a bit, I'm going out with Chas and a old friend of ours." I said.
" You didn't ask me to go out." He said.
" Do you ever ask me to go anywhere & we aren't together so I'm not obligated to tell you anything." I said.
" You're still my fiancé." He said.
" Yeah you're still mines too but that doesn't stop you from going out and talking to other bitches." I said as I placed on my heels. He hissed his teeth at me and got angry.
" You need to change that outfit." He said.
" For what." I asked as I got up and looked in the mirror.
" I don't want the middle of your chest showing." He said.
" Listen, where's A'draya's school bag." I asked.
" In my car." He said.
" Give me your keys, let me bring her bag up so you can help her." I said. He got his keys out of his pocket and handed it to me.
I took the keys out of his hands and made my way out of the hotel door, into the elevator. Dre is probably upset but I don't care. I'm always with Draya I barely have a social life.
When the elevator stopped, I walked into the lobby and made my way to the parking lot. The guy workers kept looking at me and licking their lips as I walked out of the building.
I unlocked Dre's car and searched for A'draya's bag. It was so dark inside of his car so I turned on the lights and looked at the back seat. I found the bag but when I got back to the front seat, this paper was sticking from his glove compartment.
As I'm trying to remove the paper so that the glove compartment could of closed properly a booklet dropped. I picked it up and it was a booklet of an iPhone 6 with the receipt inside.
Funny thing is Dre's name was on the receipt but he doesn't have a iPhone 6, so question is who did he bought this expensive phone for cause I damn sure didn't get it.
I chuckled as I pushed the receipt in my purse and left the booklet right in the chair for him. After I locked his car door back and made my way back into the hotel, on the elevators.
When I got into the room I knocked on the door and Dre opened it up. I stepped inside and handed Dre, Draya's bag.
" Draya." I semi yelled. She pulled the door across and stepped into my room.

Unforgivable Lies ( Sequel)
General FictionSome of the chapters are private so press follow. Sequel to broken promises. To show somebody tough love today will save them a heartache in the future but may cause a small amount of upset for the reciever immediately after the "Tough Love" has b...