" Cherish these nights, cherish these people."
Two weeks later.
My mind hasn't stopped thinking about the other day. Everyday that I wake, it lingers on my mind. It isn't easy trying to escape the thought of loosing my first child.
I admit that day was the scariest day of my life and I've never been so scared until that happened. I probably would have killed myself if something happened to my little girl.
Her father just doesn't understand anything. She could have lost her life or somebody could have hurt her because of the stupidness he is involved in. I'm not saying it's his fault but I feel like his actions led to it.
If it was up to me I wouldn't let her be in his presence just because of that, but I know I cannot take my daughter away from her father. However, I've been contemplating on moving. I need to get out of Atlanta and settle somewhere else.
Too much things are happening in our life right now & I don't understand why. Dre and I went from being happily engaged to a wreck. It's just so crazy how your life can flip in the matter of seconds.
I've loved and I've lost people who I taught will always be in my life but I understand now that not everybody is meant to stay. I know that everything happens for a reason but I just do not understand the reason for these situations occurring in my life.
These past two weeks I've been looking for a new place to settle and a new environment for work. It's just going to be me and my daughter and her little puppy I got her the other day.
Austin seems a little disturbed by something when he comes over. It's like he wants to ask me something but doesn't want to say it. I have a feeling it has something to do with Dre.
" Mommy." Draya yelled.
" Yes." I answered.
" Come here." She yelled. I turned the oven down and placed my mitts on the island before I began to walk up to the steps.
" Wassup." I asked her.
" I think Bella is hungry." She said referring to her puppy. I rolled my eyes at her as she rubbed her puppy's stomach.
" Why didn't you feed her." I asked her.
" Because I cannot lift the bag." She said in a duh tone.
" Did she use the bathroom." I asked.
" Yup, I took her outside and she pooped. I told you she is a good puppy because she listens to me all the time." She said as she stood up and hold Bella bridal style.
" I don't want her pooping or pissing inside of my house." I told her.
" Let's buy her diapers." She said. I chuckled at her before I answer.
" You wanted a puppy now you got her and she's your responsibility." I said as I smiled.
" No mommy. You have to help me." She said as she followed me down the steps.
" That wasn't the agreement. You said you're a big girl and you can take care of her all by yoursel." I said as I smirked at her as reached at the bottom of the steps.
" I can but I will need your help sometimes." She said.
" Okay but only way I'll help you is if you can keep your room clean." I told her.
" Deal." She smiled. I chuckled at her as I carried the dog food into the puppy's room and poured the food into the bowl. She placed the puppy down and closed the door as she followed me back into the kitchen.

Unforgivable Lies ( Sequel)
General FictionSome of the chapters are private so press follow. Sequel to broken promises. To show somebody tough love today will save them a heartache in the future but may cause a small amount of upset for the reciever immediately after the "Tough Love" has b...