" What's done in the dark, will come to the light.".
Picture of A'draya and Chad at the Top.
Deandre POV.
After expressing my feelings to Princess I felt much better but she still doesn't want to be with me. I know everything is my fault and I just have to work for her back.
It looks like she isn't playing this time, so I need to end things with Armoni before I really try to get back serious with Princess.
I can't keep hurting Princess and Adraya. It hurts me but I still do wrong and I don't understand why I do the things I do.
I'm just trying to get my life together and get my family back. It's a sad situation because it took me this long to realize what's important in my life.
Last night Princess left A'draya with me and the both of us slept inside of the guest room. She was wrapped up in my arms sleeping peacefully.
I smiled at her and tried to gently got up but she woke up the same time as me. She sat up and rubbed her eyes before she looked at me.
" Morning Princess." I said as I kissed her cheek.
" Morning daddy, did my mommy sleep here too." She questioned.
" No baby, she went back over to Addi's." I told her.
" Okay, can you make me some breakfast please daddy." She asked
" What you want baby." I asked as I lifted her up.
" Pancakes." She smiled.
" We're going to make it together, iight." I told her as we began to walk out of the room.
" Okay." She smiled. The both of us got down stairs and walked inside of the kitchen. I sat A'draya on the island then walked up to the cabinets for the pancake mix, a bowl and poured a certain amount of water into a cup.
" Alright, pour the pancake mix inside of the bowl, not too much Draya." I told her. As she did that I got the frying pan and placed it on the stove to heat up.
" I did it daddy." A'draya said. I walked back over to her and gave her a hi5.
" Alright now pour the water in & then stir it until you think all of the lumps are out and it looks soft." I said to her as I handed her a spoon.
She started to do what I asked and I walked back over to the stove and placed a drizzle of oil inside in the pan.
" I think it's soft daddy." She said. I walked back over to her and took a look at it.
" Alright, come on." I said. She hopped on my back and I carried her and the batter to the stove.
" Sit there." I told her. She sat a little bit far from the stove but in good reach on the counter.
" Use the spoon and pour the mix into the pan." I told her.
" Daddy I'm scared, what if I get burned." She said.
" You ain't going to get burn babe, I promise." I told her. She smiled and began pouring until I said stop. When she placed the bowl down she smiled and pulled me closer to her.
" I did it daddy." She said excitedly as she licked the side of my face.
" I guess you are my friend again because you haven't licked my face in so long." I smiled.
" Nope I'm still not your friend." She said smacking her lips. I flipped the pancakes over then faced her again.
" Why were you acting weird around your momma." I asked her.

Unforgivable Lies ( Sequel)
General FictionSome of the chapters are private so press follow. Sequel to broken promises. To show somebody tough love today will save them a heartache in the future but may cause a small amount of upset for the reciever immediately after the "Tough Love" has b...