" I bet you start needing me soon as you see me with somebody else. Somebody other than you."
AMorah POV.
" Princess." Dre said as he waked me out of my sleep. I rolled over on my back and opened my eyes. When I opened my eyes Draya was sitting on Dre's lap and the both of them look depressed. I sat up against the bed head before I spoke to them.
" Whats wrong." I asked.
" You've been asleep from this morning. Draya already been to school & came out of school. You okay." Dre asked.
" Yeah I'm fine, just was really tired." I said.
" Iight, I'm coming back. I need to step out." Dre said. I shrugged my shoulders and motioned for Adraya to sit on my lap. Dre shook his head and left.
" Mommy, does daddy hate us. Why do he leave us all the time." A'draya asked.
"I don't know Draya & no your daddy loves you very much." I said truthfully.
" Mommy, can we go out." She asked.
" Where." I questioned.
" To the movies & at the salon." She said. I chuckled at her before I answered.
" What you need to go to the salon for." I asked.
" Because me and you are going on a girls date, so we have to do girls stuff." She said.
" How about we go to the mall & buy you that dress you wanted. Only because you did great on your test you'll get it now Draya." I said.
" Yayyyy, & to the movies mommy." She said.
" Alright, what you want to watch." I asked her.
" Spongebob." She smiled.
" Okay, change your school clothes, shower and get dressed." I told her. She hugged me and raced to her room. I got up and headed into the closet, searching for something to wear. When I found out what I wanted to wear, I went into the bathroom and did my hygiene, then got dressed.
A few minutes later I walked into A'draya's room to see if she was ready. She was in the mirror trying to fix her hair when I walked in.
" Come here, let me fix it." I told her. She handed me the brush and comb & I fixed her hair for her. When I was done, I checked out her outfit & made sure it was put together properly.
" Okay, you look cute." I told her
" You too mommy, come on let's go." She said as she reached for my hands. I took her tiny hands and walked out of her room down the steps.
When we got down the steps I searched for the car keys and we made our way out the door, to the car. Draya sat at the back & strapped herself in.
" Mommy." She said as I began to pull off.
" Yeah baby." I said
" I love you." She said.
" Where did that come from." I asked
" I just wanted to tell you that I love you mommy. You make me happy and you're a great mommy." She said. As usual I shed a tear.
" Mommy, loves you too Draya." I said. She smiled and finish looked out the window.
A'draya is the best thing that has ever happen to my life. I love her so much words can't explain.. Whenever I'm down, I can look at my child and realize why I'm still alive. Everyday that I awake, I thank God for bringing her into my life. A'draya is my biggest blessing in life.

Unforgivable Lies ( Sequel)
General FictionSome of the chapters are private so press follow. Sequel to broken promises. To show somebody tough love today will save them a heartache in the future but may cause a small amount of upset for the reciever immediately after the "Tough Love" has b...