Spars and Drinks

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The two men circled each other, trying to throw each other off their guard.
Off course, it was hard when your opponent was your friend.

Trying not to smile, Gage launched himself at Acton, but Acton sidestepped, catching Gage in the rib, sending him sprawling.

Tori, Aileen and I screamed along with the others outside on the beach, hands flying to our mouths, standing on our toes to make sure Gage was going to get up.
Caia was one of those who cheered loudly for Acton, adding to the huge din that was rising on the beach.

One of the competitions during this night was a sparing competition. Gage and Acton had went first, starting the night. They had been at it for about half and hour, and almost everyone was crowded around the circle drawn in the sand that marked their boundaries.
Both had changed out of their nice clothes, wearing only a pair of pants, which I'm sure made Aileen much more nervous around Gage.

Gage rolled on the sand and whipped his leg out, catching Acton in the ankles. Ember and I cheered loudly as our Alpha fell. Ember had a huge smile on her face, probably enjoying the only time she will ever see Acton fight her friend.
"Come on Gage!" I yelled. "Pin him!" Gage seemed to have heard me, as he had taken hold of Acton's shoulders and forced him back onto the sand.

Aileen cheered as Caia yelled angrily. "Come on Acton, get up!" She yelled, her voice blending in with the many other yelling werewolves.
Acton put his arm up to Gage's neck and pushed it away from him. Gage's head snapped back, but I knew he wasn't hurt. In that moment, Acton rolled over, pinning Gage to the sand.

People around the ring started counting the seconds as Gage struggled to remove Acton.
"One! Two! Three! Four!"
Right before five, Gage kneed Acton in the chest and rolled over again, pinning him to the ground.

"One! Two! Thr-"
Acton twisted Gage's wrists, making him yell out in pain and frustration.
"Come ON GAGE!" Aileen yelled from next to me. "Stay on him!"
"Go Acton, flip him!" Caia shouted, competing with her.
But Acton rolled and shoved Gage off, and Gage rolled into the sand, spraying it up.

Ember and I quickly backpedaled away from the fight, as we were right in front and trying not to get our dresses dirty.
Gage came to his feet, and met Acton again in the middle of the ring. The circled each other, and I could see them both panting, sweat glistening off their muscles. Gage brushed his hair back from his face.
The werewolves around the ring had raised their voices, cheering loudly for either Gage or his Alpha.

Acton lunged at Gage, and Gage didn't move fast enough to avoid him. They both went to the sand again, rolling and trying to pin each other for the required five seconds.
Ember and Aileen's voices raised along with mine and the others. Caia was the only one between the four of us cheering for Acton, but she was positive that he would win.

Unfortunately, she was right. It got to a point where Gage wasn't able to keep Acton from pinning him on the sand.
"One! Two! Three! Four! Five!"
Half the werewolves around me screamed the numbers out and cheered loudly when they were finished, indicating that their contestant had won. The other half groaned and shoved the happy ones around them.

I saw Gage smile and playfully push Acton off him as their spar was over. Caia was jumping up and down, laughing at Aileen who had face palmed besides me. Ember and I started laughing too after a while, now having something to rub in Gage's face.
They both stood up and brushed the sand from themselves. As they walked out of the ring, congratulations ringing out to Acton, the winner of the spar was announced and the next two fighters were introduced. They were both from the Moon Pack and I had never seen them before.

Gage walked over to us, still breathing heavily. I smiled at him and started clapping loudly.
"Great job!" I said happily. He made a face at me and swatted my clapping hands away. Ember laughed and shoved him. "Come on." She said to us. "Let's go inside and get something to drink."

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