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A/N: The picture I added is just a picture of Solstice's outfit she wore to school. And also, 'Sole' is a nickname for 'Solstice'. Just wanted to clear things up!


My alarm rang way too early the next morning for my preference. I slammed it off, and rolled out of bed. I hit the cold floor, which woke me up, but also gave me a strong pain in my elbow.
Rubbing my arm, I stood up and slowly walked to my windows.
I opened the curtains, letting in the morning light. The Florida waves could be heard from here, lapping gently against the shoreline only a few meters from the pack house. The salt air wafted into my room as well, and I breathed it in and sighed.
Then, I walked to my wardrobe and pulled open the doors. Inside, were way too many clothes that I still had anyway.
I tugged on a pair of light jeans and a plaid shirt along with brown boots that stopped before my knees. Walking to my bathroom, I realized that I didn't have time to take a shower and groaned out loud.
So instead, I just washed my face and neck with warm water and soap. After washing, I brushed my terribly unruly hair. I finally managed to get it reasonable-looking and was satisfied.
My skin was pretty much clear, and I never usually wore makeup, so I grabbed my backpack and made my way out of my room.

A look at my phone told me that it was almost seven in the morning, when school started at eight. Good. I had time to eat.
I guessed that Tori and Ember were already downstairs having breakfast, so I didn't bother to check their rooms. I had always come into their rooms before breakfast so we could say good morning. But I had stopped going into Tori's room when I accidentally walked in on her and Colt making out.
I had knocked! They didn't answer, so I thought she was still asleep.

I reached the spiral staircase and pounded down it, making some noise. As I neared the first floor, I could hear voices of other people already up and ready for the day.
When I walked into the kitchen, I saw Ember sitting on one of the bar stools with a napkin of mozzarella sticks and a can of Red Bull. Whatever made her in the mood for mozzarella sticks at seven in the morning was beyond me.

She had headphones on and was looking into a small compact mirror, applying false eyelashes. I sat down on a stool next to her and realized she was listening to Fall Out Boy. Knowing nothing was going to stop her in her moment, I reached over and took a sip from her Red Bull can.

Without looking up from her mirror, she frowned and said "Hey!" very loudly. I winced.
"Why are you talking so loudly?" I asked her. She frowned again. "What?!" Rolling my eyes, I slid her headphone off her ears.
"Good morning." I said.
"Can you hear me now?" She smiled slightly and went back to her makeup, this time puting on eyeliner.
"You know, you should really should sleep in today." She said. "Didn't you deliver the Luna's baby last night?"
I nodded. "I helped, but I shouldn't stay from school. It ends in a week and a half, I'm not going to bail on it now."
She shrugged. "Why not? Gage would do it."
And at that exact moment, he walked into the kitchen.
"What would I do?" Gage asked, coming over next to us.
"Oh hey, good morning!" I greeted cheerfully.
He squinted his eyes at me in suspicion. "Were you talking about me?"
I reached up and ruffled his dark hair. "Not a word." I promised. "I swear on the charred bones of my enemies." He rolled his eyes. "You mean Kylie."
"No, I do not mean Kylie."
"Yes you do, you hate her!"
"I'm nice to her don't be ridiculous."
"By 'nice' do you mean willing to-"
He cut off at the sound of high heels clacking on the hard floor.

"Speak of the devil...." I muttered under my breath as Kylie walked up and rubbed her shoulder on Gage's arm.
"Good morning Gage!" She purred.
Kylie had the biggest crush on Gage, and it was borderline sickening. She shamelessly hit on him, and refused to take the obvious hints that he didn't like her back. She always wore the most inappropriate clothing that most of the time resembled underwear or a bathing suit.
Today, she had a crop top on that ended right below her boobs and a very short skirt on with platform heels. We had never gotten along, even when we were young.
My first memory of her was when we were eleven or twelve and she teased me for not wearing makeup when I "needed it". I had gotten so mad at her that I punched her in the eye and screamed how she would never shift and find her wolf.
She struck back, telling me I was born without a mate, and that just got me more upset.
Our fight had gone on for a few minutes before Tori had pulled us apart, forcing us to apologize and saying how lucky we were that the Alpha didn't have to break us up.

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