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If for some reason I thought fainting would help my situation and remove me from this bad situation, I was wrong. But to nobody's surprise.
When my eyes opened again, I was laying on the cold, hard ground of the room I had been in.
Ember was kneeling down next to me, and she obviously had caught me before I cracked my head open on the cement.
"Are you okay?" She whispered. I squinted a little but nodded a yes. She sighed and brushed hair out of my face, helping me sit up.
"Where'd Jago go?" I asked Ember, noticing he was no longer with us in the room. Nor were the two guards he had brought with him.
"He left while you were unconscious." Ember told me, sounding nervous.
"Did he say anything else? Anything I missed?"
Ember shifted and her eyes darted around anxiously.
"Well, he said that we had no chance of getting out. And he said that this room is soundproof so yelling won't help. Also, one of his men will bring us food in an hour or so."
I was silent, thinking this all through. Then I nodded at her information. "What we need is a game plan." I told her. "Yes, Titan and Acton will be looking for us, but now I'm pretty sure we aren't in the Phalanx Pack house. That would be too obvious. So that just slows down our rescue."
Ember nodded in agreement. "So, what's that plan?"
I sighed.
"I'm still working on that part."

Silence filled the room as the two of us sat still, racking our brains for the smallest bit of anything we could call a plan. We needed to get out of here as soon as possible, neither of us knew what Jago would do if we wouldn't give him information.
Then suddenly, Ember's head lifted a small amount, letting me see the excited look in her eyes. I frowned, questioning her.
"I think I have something."
She whispered. I nodded at her to continue.
"We have about an hour before a guard brings us food, right?"
I nodded again.
"By then, it will be close to nighttime and this room will be a lot darker then it is now. So, we hide in the shadows when he comes in. The very corners of this room don't get light even when the door is open, I've noticed. We each hide in one corner. When the guard steps in far enough, he'll realize he can't see us and hopefully he'll walk further in. That gives one of us the chance to slip behind him to the door, run out, and one of us closes the door behind him."
I thought over her plan.
True, it could work. But there were many flaws in it. Such as, where would we go after that? We don't know our way around this place we're being held. Also, what if the guard doesn't come in the room, or what if he never comes?
I shook the questions away.
Every plan would have a flaw or two. And right now, we cold afford to make one that was perfect. This one would work fine.

I smiled at my friend, showing her my approval.
"I think it would work. But we need to be quick and quiet once we are out of this room. We don't know whose around us."
Ember nodded. "Of course. And we probably will only get so long before Jago realizes his guard never came back."
"Or we run into someone."
"God, this is so crazy." Ember said, putting her head in her hands. "Two months ago if you told me that you and Gage will find your mates, and then we get captured by Jago's wolves only for us to preform an actual badass escape like in the movies, I would have thought you were on something."
I laughed softly, she was totally right.
"We could also try tunneling our way out, like The Great Escape." I said. Ember gave me a look. "Really Solstice? A movie reference? Now?"


The footsteps were loud and clear as they came closer and closer to the door of our room.
I shifted nervously in the front right corner of the darkened room. Ember was in the front left corner where she was waiting to run out before me.
The door opened, streaming light in. But as Ember had predicted earlier, no light reached us.
The guard was carrying a tray of food in his hands and he walked a few feet into the room. He set it down, expecting us to run up to it and start eating. I was very hungry, not having eaten anything in almost twelve hours. The guard waited, not getting the response he had anticipated.
He walked further into the room, looking around for us.
Then I saw Ember slowly moving out of the shadows, still hidden from the guard's sight. I began moving too, carefully making sure my shoes didn't scrape against the cement floor.

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