They're Here!

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*3 weeks later*

My phone was ringing off the hook as I bushed my hair, sitting on my bed.
"Babe can you answer that? I'm trying to sleep." Titan mumbled, his words muffled by his pillow. I put my hairbrush down and grabbed my phone from the bedside table.
"Sole! Hi!"
It was Ember, I knew instantly from her excited voice.
"You're coming today, right?"
"Yeah, as soon as Titan can get out of bed." I joked, nudging my mate in his ribs. He growled and rolled over.
"Great! Although you might want to hurry up. Tori had her first contraction about an hour ago and we don't know when her water is going to break."
"Of course I'll hurry. You know how excited I am to see you guys again. Just try to keep Tori calm until we get there, okay?"
Ember laughed. "I think we need to worry more about keeping Colt calm."
I smiled and turned towards Titan when he sat up in bed.
"Okay I've got to go. We'll be there around five okay?"
"Yeah, we miss you!"
"Miss you too."

I hung up after she did and put my phone next to me on the sheets. Then I picked up my hairbrush again and kept pulling it through my hair.
"That was Ember?"
Titan guessed, now leaning against the headrest. I nodded and scooted closer to him. "Yeah she told us to hurry up and get there. She wants to see me again, and everyone wants to met you."
Turn smiled his half-smile.
"Why wouldn't they want to see me?"
I rolled my eyes at him and started off the bed. His hand caught my waist quickly and pulled me back to him. He drew me to his bare chest and kissed me passionately.
"I love you." He whispered, his lips still inches from mine.
"I love you too."
I pulled away and hopped off the bed. "But we need to move, Tori needs us soon."


"Oh! Turn left now."
Titan turned the steering wheel left and I saw the Silver Oak pack house slowly come into view. It wasn't anything compared to the Blood Arrow pack house, but it was still pretty impressive if you ask me.
"Wow, this place is nice."
Titan said, obviously impressed. I shrugged. "Well it's home. Was home, at least." I said, already looking for my friends. And not to my surprise I saw Ember, Gage and Aileen standing outside in the front lawn with Acton behind them. Tori obviously wasn't there, she was most likely in the hospital wing and Colt was probably with her.
Titan pulled up in the driveway and I heard Ember shriek and saw her start running towards the car when we parked.

She got to me when I was two steps out of the car and hugged me full-force. I smiled and hugged her back just as hard.
"I missed you so much!" She told me and I laughed softly.
"I've only been gone for three weeks."
"That's like, a whole month!"
I smiled again and moved to hug Aileen. She smiled kindly at Titan and nodded respectively at her old Alpha. Titan and Acton shook hands and started talking nicely with each other. Then I turned to Gage who hugged me tightly as well.

"Come on, Tori and Colt will want to see you." Ember said, taking my hand in hers. I nodded and followed her inside. Titan and Acton were still talking, probably about Alpha stuff that I would never understand and Gage and Aileen followed us.
We walked up three flights of stairs to the hospital wing where Luna Iona gave birth to Marco just two months ago. I gently opened the door to where Tori was and peeked in. I saw her sitting upright in the bed, talking to Colt who was sitting next to her. She looked up when I opened the door and her face spit into a wide smile when she saw me.
"Solstice! I've missed you!" She said, holding her arms out for a hug. I walked in and went to her for the warm embrace that lasted a while. Her stomach was a lot larger the when I saw her three weeks ago. I placed my hand on her pregnant belly. "How are the pups?" I asked. Tori smiled and looked at Colt, who answered for her.
"They're great! She's due sometime today or tomorrow maybe."
I nodded. "Did you find out the genders? Or is it going to be a surprise?"
Tori laughed. "No, we found out. They're two little girls." I smiled and hugged her again. "That's so wonderful, I'm so happy for you two. Someone will notify me when I am needed to deliver them, okay? Just try not to hyperventilate or panic, that will just mess up the babies. You're doing great right now."

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