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A/N: Outfit shown is the outfit she wears to the beach party! Enjoy!

Tori received us at the door when we walked in, still slightly sopping.
We were both extremely tired and still worked up, but we didn't tell her why.
"What on earth happened?" She screamed. I shook my head. "Nothing, don't worry about it."
"If nothing happened, why do you both look like you are about to pass out? And where are your bathing suits?" Ember sighed. "Honestly Tori, you aren't our mothers. If you're ready for that, Colt would gladly make that happen, I'm sure."
Tori blushed at her comment, them mumbled "I'm just glad you're alright."

Ember and I didn't go change yet, The party wasn't until nine, it was only six. We walked into the living room, where Gage and Colt were involved in a Call of Duty battle.
Gage was swearing loudly at his controller, claiming Colt had a better one, but he was just sour because he was loosing. I laughed when Colt won, making Gage turn to me.
"You guys are finally back." He observed. "We were beginning to think you had been attacked by sharks or something." He always joked about sharks, there were rarely any where we were. "By the way," he added. "Did you guys go surfing on a different part of the beach, we couldn't see you from the house."
Ember, apparently already having thought this through, didn't hesitate to say "Yeah, we were just finding new places that maybe had bigger waves." it wasn't a complete lie, we just left some parts out.
Gage shrugged. "Did you find anything?" Ember and I exchanged a glance, then shook our heads. "Nothing worth while." I said.

After that, Ember went upstairs to figure out what she was wearing to the party, Tori eagerly following her. I could hear them talking about it even when they were out of sight.
I plopped down on the huge sofa next to Gage, who had started another match with Colt.
"I'm so going to win this!" He promised his friend. I laughed softly. "No offense Gage, but my money is on Colt." Gage squinted his eyes at me. "You're a hater." "Haters are my motivators!" I said in a false, high pitched voice, making him laugh.
They started their game, and like predicted, Colt won. He threw down the remote for the second time, yelling in Gage's face about how good he was.
Gage got upset and demanded another rematch. Colt obliged eagerly.

This went on for quite a while, Gage's skills not improving a bit. I let my head fall and rest against his shoulder, making him look down.
"Are you tired?" I nodded. "Surfing took it out of me today, I don't know why."
"You should have slept in, like Tori said."
"I should do a lot of things she says, but I don't."
Colt laughed from across the couch. "I learned that lesson when I was seventeen."
I smiled, letting my eyes close. Gage didn't move me from his shoulder. He just continued his game with Colt, but without the yelling.


Someone shook my shoulder, making my head fall off Gage's arm.
"Solstice!" A voice said loudly. "Sole wake up!"
I pried my eyes open. Gage and Colt were still there, but no longer playing Call of Duty. Gage had caught me when I had fallen, giving Ember a glare.
She was obviously the one who had woken me, as she was leaning over the couch.
"What?" I asked. "I was tired. I delivered a baby last night, and we just went surfing." I said 'surfing' with meaning, letting her know more then the others did.
She sighed. "I know, I know. But do you want to look nice for this party or not?"
"The party? What time is it? How long have I been asleep?" I sat up quickly, making Gage roll his eyes, muttering something about 'girls'. Ember showed me her lit phone screen. Seven thirty.
I groaned and laid back down, closing my eyes. "We have an hour and a half, Ember." Even with my eyes closed, I could tell she was frowning. "When were you expecting to get ready?"
"Like, in an hour."
Ember scoffed, and without saying anything in reply, pulled me up off the couch and started towards the stairs.
"Come on, this will be fun. Tori has your outfit planned, I will do your hair and makeup."
I rolled my eyes at the back of her head, now walking up the stairs. "Okay fine, just don't pull too much."
"No promises."

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