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| BITTERSWEET | chapter two

| you make me feel complete,

oh, it's so bittersweet |

jaden's pov

i couldn't keep my eyes off this girl. she was smiling as she wrote lyrics down for her song.
i'm so in love with nessa and it aches that i can't be with her to the public.

i know this has to be a secret but it sucks we have to be stuck with people we don't like or don't love.

my phone starts ringing and i look at it rolling my eyes. mads. she's so possessive and suffocating with me. it's annoying.

"where are you?" mads shouted, "it's getting late!"

i groaned in frustration, "i'm with nessa in the studio." i say, catching nessa's attention. she furrowed her brows and i mouthed, 'it's mads'

"why are you with her??" mads asked, with an angry tone.

"she's writing her own song im writing my own." i lie. half of the sentence is true, but im not here to write songs. im just here be with nessa—alone. but mads definitely wouldn't like to hear that.

"oh." i heard mads breath out, "sorry for shouting." she apologized.

i scoff, "yeah whatever." and i end the phone call. "she's so annoying." i groan and lay down on the couch.

nessa smiled down at me and laid on top of me. "it's fine..it will all work out in the end." she says.

"ness we both know in the end we'd still be stuck with our current relationship and we'd never actually be together." i say, and she sighs.

"well we'd just have to continue the secret meet ups behind their backs." she shrugs, ness pecks my lips but i don't kiss back. "what?"

"ness. we can't continue doing this forever. it's either we come out to the public, or stop this within a few months or something." i explain shortly.

"no. we cannot come out to the public. it will ruin our careers." nessa stood up, getting off of me.

"then we'd have to stop this in a few months." i shrug, her face fell.

"yeah—i knew i was gonna lose you soon." she nods. "and when we stop this we can't be friends. we'd just go back to hooking up with one another."

"agreed." i nod.

we stared at each other sitting there in silence. i never want to lose nessa. she's' my person. but it had to be this way, unless we ruin our careers but nessa's music career just started so she couldn't already ruin her's.

i was fine with it personally. as long as i had nessa i was okay. i was just her that i needed.

"i see you tomorrow, love." nessa quickly kissed me and left, i sighed. i knew she was hurt about us stopping whatever we have going on.

i go to my house ignoring the boys and going straight into my room. i couldn't even go to coop for advice because even him and q don't know about ness and i.

the next evening i was called by josh that there is a party at the sway house today. ness and i haven't talked this whole day which was very unusual for us.

i wanted to text her but maybe she wants space after yesterday's talk.

i start to get ready for the party and i tell coop and q about it. they get ready and we enter my car driving to the sway house.

once i walked in i immediately spotted nessa laughing with josh, and he pulls her in for a kiss. usually she'd pull away and make an excuse but this time she let it happen, and kissed back.

that annoyed the hell out of me, i balled my hands into a fist wanting to punch josh. but nessa isn't my girl, she's his. i couldn't do shit.

and i couldn't really get mad at nessa either. josh is her boyfriend. not me. but nessa is clearly doing this on purpose because if yesterday.

she wasn't talking to me all day and she's suddenly kissing josh willingly.

nessa's pov

i quickly pull away from the kiss after a few seconds. that was actually gross, i didn't feel anything for josh. i just had to kiss him because he was suspecting something. and i couldn't talk to jaden this whole day because of josh too.

i turn around to see jaden standing in the door way looking straight at me. my breath hitched. he saw me kiss josh willingly.

i start to walk towards jaden but josh pulls me back in to greet someone i've never met. i kept looking back at jaden and he just shook his head and walked towards mads.

my breathing became heavy, i couldn't get out of josh's grip. but it was too late. he already went upstairs to his room with mads.

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