Chapter 1: The Beginning

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A/N: Hey there! I hope you guys enjoy this first chapter. It's pretty much introducing my OC Samantha Daley who is portrayed by Emily Vancamp. I'll be following the show from the beginning, so season 1 episode 1. I'd love to know what you think!

Edited: May 25th 2020, this is a disclaimer. I own nothing but my original characters and original storylines. Everything else belongs to their respected owners. No copyright infringement is intended.

Edited: July 18th 2021, the first 14 chapters are being edited and improved!

Samantha Daley / Emily VanCamp

Susan Daley (Sam's mother) / Chloe Webb

Frank Daley (Sam's father) / Mark Harmon

Brett Daley (Sam's older brother) / Ben McKenzie

Michael Daly (Sam's older brother) / Peter Mooney

Blood Runs Deep:

Chapter 1 - The Beginning

Jay's POV

Will's snores were louder then bombs I heard going off during my time in country. I knew there would be some hiccups to letting my brother crash with me when he came back to Chicago from New York; like me getting pissed off when he leaves his dirty ass wet towels in the bathroom after a long shift at Med, or when he brings home drunken strays from Molly's. And so many more irritating things. I just didn't think lack of sleep would be one of those hiccups. I'd been working overtime trying to help track down a major player in a drug ring we'd been closing in on for the past two weeks. The late nights passed out at my desk had caught up to me. But sleep was in short supply even at home apparently.

I lied in bed with stiff muscles. My body was practically begging for a run just to loosen up a little bit. I needed sleep, but that wasn't happening anytime soon. I glanced over at the clock on the nightstand and groaned. Third day in a row I've woken up an hour before my alarm was set to go off.

Will let out another drawn out snore that finally did me in.

I swung the covers off annoyed and got out of bed, grabbing a pillow. I opened the bedroom door which opened out into the living room and lobbed the pillow at Will as hard as I could.

"Will! Wake the fuck up." I yelled, just as the pillow connected with his face.

Will coughed and rolled off the couch, jumping awake immediately. "What the... I'm awake..." He looked around dazed momentarily then his eyes fell on me leaning against the door jam. He sighed and then rested his head back on the floor. "I was snoring again, right?"

"No, I just like being up an hour before I need to be and thought it would be fun to fuck with you. Get some damn breathe right strips or something man. You're a doctor, you should be able to cure that right?." I grumbled, stumbling through my tiny apartment to the kitchen.

I fumbled through starting the coffee and rested my head against the cabinet over the pot wondering if I could sleep standing up. I prayed the aroma of the coffee cooking would help wake me up.

"Oh come on." Will's voice sounded from next to me, causing me to groan. "My snoring can't possibly be that bad."

"I'm shocked the neighbors haven't complained." I half-joked, the smell of coffee easing my nerves ever so slightly.

"You're just being overly sensitive." Will stated, grabbing two coffee cups from the cabinet next to my head. "Oh, is it because someone's getting a new partner today?" Will smirked, smacking me on the shoulder brotherly.

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