Chapter 9: Contingency

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Chapter 9: Contingency

Samantha's Point of View

I stood with my hands on the rusted metal railing of the bridge beside Jay, and watched the beat cops scouring the area below for any signs of Diego and Ernesto. That jackass had knocked me down pretty damn hard. I'd definitely have a bruise on my elbow and ass from that one. I was beginning to think the hit I took earlier when Jules and I went down and now this one might have given me a slight concussion. My vision blurred in and out. I blinked it away. I turned around and leaned against the railing and cradled my elbow in my other hand and rubbed it to get the stinging sensation to go away. Ernesto was most likely in the wind by now. I highly doubt he was anywhere remotely near this area at this point.. Although, it would be nice if he'd just pop out and be like here I am... I scoffed at my own stupidity and shook my head.

"You sure you're alright?" Jay asked concerned, touching my shoulder lightly. I glanced up at him and nodded my head assuring him I was fine. He'd doubled back and walked out of the building with me and led me up here onto the bridge. This was where Voight instructed the team to wait.

"I'm okay, really. I should have seen it coming." I said letting out a breath. Ruzek had wondered up here a few minutes ago with Olinsky at his side. He was taking the whole undercover thing to the extremes. I had to do a double take and make sure Ruzek wasn't being followed by a real homeless person.

"It wasn't your fault, him getting away...You're taking one hell of a beating for this being your first week." Jay said, stepping away from me placing his hands on the railing and peering down over the side.

A police boat was coasting up and down the channel below looking for evidence. The wind blew my hair around wildly as Voight and Lindsay walked towards us.

"If getting my ass kicked means we find Antonio's son alive and unharmed, I'll be just fine." I told him as he looked at me out of the corner of his eye. His crystal blue eyes lingered on me a moment longer than I expected them too causing me to look away quickly.

"You alright, kid?" Voight called out to me as he approached us. I put my hand up reassuring him I was fine and not to fuss over me. He patted my shoulder as he passed by me. We all paced back and forth waiting for Antonio to meet us. Ruzek could have really screwed us over by running after Ernesto like he did. He was supposed to keep eyes on him, not try and be a hero. God knows where he is now.

"No sign of Diego that he was ever here." I heard Antonio yell as he walked down the wooden path to the bridge. He was beyond livid. The look on his face was pure anger and frustration.

"We had him! What the hell was that?" Antonio screamed lunging towards Ruzek. Voight intervened and pushed Antonio back a few feet trying to keep order within the group.

"I made a call!" Ruzek fired back eliciting an eye glare from me. I think the best thing he can do right now is keep his mouth shut.

"Yeah, it was a stupid one." Antonio yelled back at him fighting against Voight's grasp. "Take it easy, take it easy." Voight said beginning to lose authority over his team slightly. No matter what we say Antonio's son is still out there scared and alone. Antonio shoved Voight's hands off of himself and turned towards me.

"Let's not forget who let herself get jumped!" He snapped in my direction. "First Jules gets killed and now you let the only lead about my son run out the door!"

"Hey! You need to calm the hell down." Jay intervened before I could even speak. I was so stunned I stood there with my mouth ajar. Tears welled in my eyes. He was right.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Antonio snapped, lunging for Jay.

"She didn't get Jules killed and she didn't have any control over getting jumped. I know you're losing your mind but you gotta stay in control here, man." Lindsay tried to persuade him, touching him on the shoulder..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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