Chapter 7: Diego's Missing

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Chapter 7: Diego's Missing

Samantha's POV

When I first saw Ruzek I thought it would be easier to avoid him as much as I possibly could. Of everyone at the academy, Olinsky had to pick him though, and now I'm kinda glad he did. I sighed sitting in the passenger seat of the car with my radio in my hand. D'Anthony had been released into his cousin's custody last night, but he came forward with helpful information. Apparently, he heard some of the older guys in his gang talking, there's supposed to be one more hit. He didn't know the target, but he did give us the name of someone who might. Xavier Green.

Xavier Green is just one of the many local drug runners working on the west side of town. Ruzek was supposed to buy from him undercover, so we could take him into custody and question him. We sat a few cars down away from the corner Xavier and his crew were working for the day. Ruzek's silver Mazda drove past us and parked on the curb up ahead.

Jay tapped the steering wheel rhythmically and glanced over at me. "I couldn't help but overhear you and Ruzek earlier. He proposed to you?" Jay said causally. I looked at him with my jaw clenched shut. Did he ease drop on my conversation with Adam earlier? I glared over at him to see if he was just bluffing and fishing for information or if he really had overheard us talking. Jay took my lack of reply as a means to continue talking. "I checked your Facebook page too because I'm thorough and saw the relationship ended like four years ago...I sent you a friend request by the way." Jay said staring at me watching my facial expressions shift from appalled to angry to somewhat impressed.

"Wow. Stalking Facebook pages, is that how you landed a spot in Intelligence?" I half laughed, trying to hold back a smirk.

Jay chuckled, shaking his head. "No. I actually got into Intelligence after getting shot undercover. But I know how to put my skills to good use." He said, as I scoffed and looked out the windshield to see Ruzek getting out of the car and walk over towards Xavier.

"Am I right?" Jay asked, begging like a dog with a bone.

"Yes, you're right. Nice work, True Detective. We were engaged and technically he did cheat on me, at least that's what everyone thinks happened. Truth is we just grew apart and weren't ready for marriage. I mean, I wasn't ready.  I did toss the ring into the bay. I  replied trying to hide the fact I was still a little bitter Ruzek had hurt me so deeply. I had known we were not in a great place with our relationship, I just wished he had have broken up with me before hooking up with Wendy when he did. "What about you? What's your sordid past entail?"

Jay looked at me innocently, already having perfected the puppy dog eyed look. "Oh, my past isn't that interesting."

"Let me guess, you've had a few long relationships but nothing that's ever lasted, so instead you just play the field and leave a graveyard of broken hearts behind you." I offered up my own on the spot analysis.

"You could be right, or you could be wrong. You'd have to get a couple beers in me before I'd talk about that." Jay smirked, looking out the windshield.

"Is that so?" I chuckled, glancing over at him. "You get me hammered and I might tell you all about Ruzek... and his robot collection as a kid."

"Oh, now we're definitely getting drinks because I'm gonna use that against him for sure." Jay laughed as the radio lit up. Jays laugh was honestly one of the purest things I'd heard. It was light and hearty and just fit him. It was a little contagious too. I had to fight the urge to not make him laugh again so we could hear the radio.

"Hey, what's up, gents?" We heard Ruzek ask over the radio as he approached the wannabe thugs guarding the corner ally. Jin hooked him up with a nice transmitter so we would be able to listen in on the conversation.

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