Chapter 4: Not A Word

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Chapter 4: Not A Word
Samantha's POV
What the hell does Pulpo mean? I asked my self silently. I pulled my cell out of my pocket and searched the meaning of Pulpo up on Urban Dictionary. Spanish word meaning "octopus." For the life of me I will never understand gang logic and all of their idiotic code names. Pulpo was Spanish for sure; I hated Spanish, but I took it through high school and then refined my skills in the academy. I still sucked at it though.

I followed Jay, Antonio and Jules back to our desks in the main office and sat down at my newly appointed desk. It didn't have much on it. I noticed a picture of what I assumed to be Jules's son and daughter on her desk next to mine and smiled.

An Apple desktop computer hummed to life as I gently nudged the mouse to get it going. I started to search through the gang database to find anything out that I could about this guy. Jules tapped her fingers on my desk causing me to look up.

"Take a look at this? Is this your guy in the door?" She asked, handing me a printout of a mug shot.

I took the picture as I stood up and walked around to the front of my desk to join her.

Sure enough, it was the exact same guy Jay and I had seen this morning when we tried to make the deal. He had the long black greasy hair and the same smug look on his face. I nodded my head looking up at Jules.

"That's him, all the way." I said confidently, as she took the photo and pinned it to the task board hanging on the nearby wall.

It didn't take too long to pull this guy's criminal file. He had a rap sheet a mile long...

"Adres Dias, aka Pulpo, the Octopus." Antonio said as he wrote the guy's name above his picture on the white board.

"It says here, he's got dual citizenship here and Colombia." I chimed in leaning against the end of Halstead's desk as I scanned through this dumbass's file.

"Jules and I had him on our radar five years back when he was working his way up from street enforcer." Antonio informed everyone while I helped Jules unpack more files that had been brought up from storage in the basement.

"Yeah, I remember his name. Didn't he beat a double-murder rap?" Voight said curiously, making his way towards the whiteboard to get a better look at the mugshot.

If this guy beat a double-murder rap he's definitely cunning.

"The two key witnesses were killed." Jules said, handing a file over to Antonio.

I was kneeling on the ground looking through the mountains of paper work and images on Pulpo.

"How convenient." I muttered looking up to see Jay slumped down in his desk chair watching me. He quickly looked away and back up to the board before our eyes met.

"Was he cutting off heads back then too?" Lindsey added unamused, before taking a bite of a granola bar.

"No, he learned a thing or two since he was in Colombia." Antonio explained.

Even though I've only been here for a few hours I could tell that Antonio and Jules made an incredible team. You could see it when they were interviewing D'Anthony. They were seamless. I could see it now as they moved together writing information on the task board as well.

"What type of player was he? What part of the city did he hold down?" Jay questioned leaning forward and propping his elbows on his knees making him that much closer to me. I got to my feet and placed my hands in the back of my pockets absorbing all of the information swirling around me.

"Oh, see, that's the thing. He wasn't affiliated with any faction. Nobody knew his real script. He was just in it for the money and the blood." Antonio explained.

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