Chapter 5: I'm A Beer Girl

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Chapter 5: I'm A Beer Girl

TW: brief mention of a sexual assault a few paragraphs down.

Samantha's POV

The image of that guy's head resting on top of the breakfast bar in his home became etched into the back of my brain by the end of my first shift. It was something I'd be seeing after I closed my eyes for a long time. One of the hardest parts of being a cop of any kind is witnessing the shit we see and then having to go home and carry on like we haven't witnessed anything horrific.. It was a little after ten o'clock at night when Sergeant Voight released us from the scene to go home for the night. The street was illuminated with bright florescent red and blue flashing lights from the cop cars parked outside the crime scene.

Crime lab would be there for hours, days even.

Puking in front of Jay earlier today was mildly humiliating I'll have to admit. I didn't want to look weak, but there was no holding that back.

One hell of a first day.

I rubbed my eyes trying to wake myself up a bit more. I was only in my twenties but I was dying to go home and curl up on the couch with some ramen and my cat and fall asleep continuing my binge watching session of Below Deck. Today wasn't even that strenuous, but the adrenaline of everything can really zap your energy levels. But before I could go home I had to finish filling out the paperwork Platt had given me this morning to turn in by the end of my shift. I didn't want to get on her bad side according to Lindsay, Antonio, and Jay.

"You heading out soon?" I glanced up from the paperwork in front of me to see Jay coming out of the break room pulling his jacket on.

I have him a tired smile. "Soon. I wanna get this back to Platt."

Jay leaned against his desk across from mine and nodded. "For what it's worth, you did good today. Held your own." His blue eyes scanned my features gently, assessing me but nowhere near as harshly as they'd done just this morning. There was a new easiness between us that I quite liked.

"Thanks, Jay. I'm sure I wasn't what you were expecting." I offered. "I feel a little guilty that I came in and shook up your partnership with Erin."

"That's not a bad thing." Jay smirked. "It's all good, really. I never did get to ask what you were doing before coming into Intelligence?"

"I was a beat cop for a while. Did my time, you know? I bounced around a bit after that. I worked a little in sex crimes and narcotics. My last stop was vice." I swallowed the lump in my throat at the memories from working there. "It wasn't really a great working environment with the guys I was paired with. It got pretty toxic, even more so after I passed the detectives exam. Being a Daley has its downfalls." I chuckled, but it was a little hollow. I loved my name, but I didn't love how people chose to treat me because of the last name I was given.

Jay nodded his head thoughtfully. "I know a few of the guys in Vice. They're fucking pricks. I'm glad you landed here though."

"Me too." I smiled. I signed the last bit of paperwork I had and collected it all up.

"You coming to Molly's?" Jay asked as he slowly started walking backwards towards the staircase to head downstairs. "First round is on me."

"I'll try my best to make it." I grinned at Jay as he nodded.

I watched as he headed down the stairs as I pulled on my jacket from this morning. I collected my bag and paperwork for Platt. Voight appeared in the doorway to his office as I clicked the light off at my desk.

"You got a second?" Voight asked, motioning for me to join him in his office.

"Of course." I said, following him inside.

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