Part 1

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🅸🅽 a small cabin wood home, in the middle of the forest with no neighbors or house nearby, unless you walk for another 2 miles far. "I'm not being selfish! After everything, I have done for you and your family! I took you under my care! My husband spent his every ounce of money for your survival and you can't do a single request I have asked!?"

Estella Perez, a 16-year-old girl with bronze hair up till underneath her shoulder, and eyes that matched it with a hint of dullness as she sat by what you could barely call a dining table. She kept quiet as her guardian yelled out her pain to her, screaming with tears, and even dared to throw things toward her. But luckily for her poor aim, Estella wouldn't have to suffer any pain.

She kept her eyes behind the furious woman to the opened creak door where the child of the woman stood staring at her in worry about her mother's action. "Aren't you even listen-"

"Mama?" The woman immediately turns her head, witnessing her daughter had just seen her terrible personality, feeling ashamed and embarrassed for being caught, she let out a fake cough before side-eyeing Estelle — a signal to tell her to be gone.

Estelle stood up monotonously, giving the younger girl a small smile, heading out of the cabin as she let her feet guide her to the next destination. Gazing around the greenest forest yet, Estella felt a small corner of her lips grow, nature is one of her freeways from hell.

Not long after, she arrived at the tallest tree in her district, grinning up as she scanned the tree before eyeing her attire. In worn-out beige jeans, dark army boots, and baggy clothes that could cover her entirely, she agreed to herself it was suitable for a climb. She easily and effortlessly climbs up the big trunk, stopping when the height is enough for her to view the forest and hard for those who pass by.

Taking in the breeze of fresh air due to the height, she settled herself by the trunk with her legs spread out on the branch. Estella spent her hours up there, enjoying the wind and creatures that caught her eyes, writing down in her little journal and sketching the view in front of her. Her peaceful moment with nature was stopped when the sounds of a group of girls her age came strolling the forest path. 

Thanks to her incredible sense of hearing, Estella unintentionally overhears the conversation from below, "Are you nervous? They coming to our district tomorrow." Estella was pulled back by reality, thanks to their words, she reminded herself of the cruel world she was living in. "I hope I don't get chosen."

"You know who should get chosen? That Estella girl. She's a burden for the Williams. She's just lucky that Mr. William was a close friend of her parents." Estella closes her eyes, trying to drown their chatter but by doing so her mind stresses her of the day her parent was killed, the guns pointed straight to their head from behind, on their knees in front of her with a gentle smile as if their death wasn't about to happen.


She jolts herself, almost falling off the tree if she wasn't persistent on the branch. Looking down, she's glad the group had now disappeared, taking a deep breath before gradually climbing down the tree.

Remembering Mrs. William's demand for her to volunteer if ever, her daughter, Susan was chosen to be in the game as it was her first time entering. Estella grimaced, placing her head to rest on the trunk, it's not that she wouldn't. She and Susan had passed every sister's bond relationship and Estella was prepared to do anything to make sure she got her freedom, however, what bothered her mind wasn't easily accepting it as she hoped.

Depressed about other things, she starts wondering if she did volunteer, would Susan even be safe in this world itself? The sounds of ruffling leaves caught her eyes, cracking her neck to her left to spot a male about a year or most probably two, older than her, crouching down facing a herb.

It seemed like he was about to collect it before Estella spoke up. "It's poisonous." Estella and the male made eye contact, "The one behind you is not," and just as the male was about to thank her or maybe even open up a conversation, Estella's name could be heard throughout the forest. Turning away from the stranger without a goodbye. Rushing off before Mrs. William's wrath grows more for her late arrival for dinner.

Upon arriving home, Mr. William greeted her with the most generous homey smile she could have ever received. Mr. William and Estella had a bond that in many people's eyes looked like a father-daughter figure. While his wife never approved of Estella being in the family only accepting her at first due to Susan being alone without any siblings.

For dinner, the table was filled thanks to the father's hard work on labor but Estella knew he was overworking for he was worried this might be the last meal to have with his two daughters.

The night went along, Estella watched over from her side of the bed as Mrs. William read a bedtime story to Susan before a goodnight kiss and leaving. She and Susan faced each other that night, hands intertwined together as they shared eye contact. Nervous about tomorrow's event happening, "What would happen if I get chosen? Will I be killed?"

"That would never happen." Estella wouldn't lie eternally to Susan or anyone, but she knew the time and limit a lie is needed, "You're only entering for the first time and the chances for your name to be chosen are less." Susan smiled, feeling relief at the words but now it doesn't completely lose all her worries.

"Plus, your charm would easily win over the tournament. I can already see you winning." Estella raised her hand and caressed the child's hair in place with her sweet smile to reassure her, "Trust me, nothing is going to happen to you. Now sleep, you going to need it." She sang a soft hum of a melody to her, watching as the sleep slowly drifted Susan to dreamland. "Nothing is going to happen." Estella whispered, knowing Mrs. Williams was eavesdropping on the sister's conversation.

➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶

A placid, melancholy feeling, like dressing for a funeral. Estella had to be forced into a long thoroughly clean bath to get rid of the dirt and germ that would be lingering in her state. Glaring at the ready blue dress that reaches just a good measurement to her leg to be called decent. Apprehending her time to dress up, tucking clean then tying her hair in a neat braid.

When she got out of the room, Susan had already been dressed wonderfully and Estella just needed to compliment her. Simpering radiantly at each other, waving goodbye to their parent as they have to be distributed from here. Susan took hold of Estella's hand as she guided the way to the town square where the event of identifying shall be held.

With 8,000 more people in District 5, they fill adjacent streets. In front of the Justice Building, we find a podium, three chairs, a microphone, and two large glass balls that contain thousands of slips of paper.

On each slip, is a name.

On each slip, is a name

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