Part 3

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🅴🆂🆃🅴🅻🅻🅰 was escorted into an elegant room by a pair of peacekeepers who retreated and stood guard at the door. She sits on a velvet couch, waiting, knowing that this might be the last visit for family members or friends, a word of goodbye for only 3 minutes.

Estella doubts that Mrs. William would come to visit her, and if Susan didn't, she knows it would because her mother wouldn't let her. The only person in her heart that Estella knows and hopes would see her is Mr. William. And just as if God heard her prayer, the man entered with transparent distress and immediately embraced Estella into a crushing hug as the guard muttered: 3 minutes.

Mr. William buries his face in Estella's shoulder, washing his tears onto her dress, "I'm okay. I'm going to be fine." Mr. William sniffles in his tears, taking a step back for a good look at Estella. She chuckled, spinning around for him which earned back his sparkling grin. Mr. William held tight to her smaller hands, swinging them slightly before meeting eyes, "How could I ever repay you?"

"No. You took me in, showed me a sister to love, a chance to see the world more." Estella's tone started mellow with a petty snicker but over time it turned firm, holding tight to the rough pair of hands, showing how serious she had gotten with Susan as the topic. "Just promise me, you will focus more on your family. Susan needs her father."

Mr. William nods his head, understanding and taking the information into his mind. "I'll pray for you. Your parents are there for you too. Just believe and trust yourself, you can get through this." Mr. William took something out of his pocket, clasping it into Estella's palm, making her confused at what it could be, but the guard got in and took Mr. William away.

Waving and smiling goodbye with a bright facial expression that she was going to be fine, once she sensed that she was alone again, she dropped her act, descending onto the velvet couch as she took deep breaths. Her mind was processing everything she had done until now, but the feeling of a paper in her hold broke her attention to it, rather than crying her lungs out she moved her focus to the scanty paper.

Moderately opening to paper, it shows a picture of her parents smiling proudly, her father carrying her over her shoulder, her mother clinging onto her legs to avoid a fall. Estella was only 9, a year before their death, the picture showed how happy and proud the family is as they smile brightly in the picture.

"I can do it. I'll survive as long as I can."

The town square had now gone into an abandoned place, no one was there anymore and chose to avoid it until next year. Estella met with Aries once more after the short visit from family and friends, the male gave her a bright grin which she chose to dismiss. Iphigenia guides them into a bullet train made of full mental, Aries gives Estella a step ahead as he tracks behind. They stared in amazement at the new luxurious things the train held, Iphigenia proudly showed off every single thing that was in view or caught the pair's attention.

"200 miles per hour. You can barely fill a thing!"

They were set in a booth, Estella taking the seat by the window and only staring out into the outside world, Aries watched with a bored expression at Iphigenia who chatters way, and sometimes purposely yawns right in front of the woman. The two were deliberately disregarding Iphigenia and even ticking her limit for fun. Iphigenia stared between the two, waiting a minute, two minutes, and when it hit ten minutes, she couldn't handle the tension anymore.

"I'll go look for Dennis! He should be in the bar station, I believe."

Estella watched as Iphigenia hurried off the best she could in her high heels, once they were alone, she moved her attention to Aries. Shockingly, the male already had his eyes on her. She frowned at the male before rolling her eyes and asking her question, "Who came to visit you?" Trying to be kind and get to know her partner for now.

Aries started pretending to think longer, humming as if he found the right answer, "A few of my ex grilfri. Ow!" He let out a burst of laughter as Estella threw an apple at him that hit directly on his chest. "Why did I even bother? Eat that and don't open your mouth."

He smirked, taking a bite of the fruit, having fun teasing her though the girl glared at him before taking out her miniature journal and proceeding with her writing. "Yes, ma'am," Aries would go around and investigate the train booth. As promised he did keep unruffled and avoided touching anything that would make loud sounds. When that got too boring for him, he sat back down beside Estella and openly gawked as she wrote things down in her journal.

Estella glanced at the male. She offered her journal to the male, seeing as that it got his interest, but still kept an eye out for it's her personal belongings. Aries learned a thing or two about herbs and plants from the book, while she took the take chance to scan in Aries's visual.

Dull-colored eyes, black hair, and towering height with a build that was just right for any girl's dream man. She can see that he can fight without a doubt with his muscles. Aries was different than the others in the district, he had unique features and his body made him stand out like a sore thumb against others.

They debate for a while about Estella's amazing knowledge of the wild before the sudden knock on the door. Catching the two attention, there at the train door stood Iphigenia in a presently new outfit, the color stands out more than any beam of light. "Dinner's soon! Please bathe! Estella, you come with me. Aries your room is not far, you're a big boy. Find it yourself." Aries let out a groan while Estella swiftly took back her journal even having the time to softly hit the male's shoulder before heading off to Iphigenia.

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The so-called room wasn't that far from where she previously was, plus, the compartment was more magnanimous than Mr. William's cabin. Iphigenia left her to clean herself.

Everything in here is new to her. There's no tub. Instead, a shower. Huh? She hits a knob and becomes dismayed when water comes out. She recoils. And there's her reflection, caught in the bathroom mirror. Feels like a stranger looking back at her.

Estella stares at the neatly put dull green jumpsuit on the bed in merely a towel, hair dripping wet still. Her finger caresses the fabric, it's seemingly the softest thing she had ever felt in her life. She changed quickly, making sure her journal and picture of her parents were secure in her shoe despite having pockets. Old habits.

Leaving the compartment to find where the dinner will be held. Luckily, it wasn't hard. Aries was already there, his hair combed neatly with volume and in more desirable clothes. Iphigenia too was already there, yet Dennis was nowhere to be found. Taking a seat beside Aries who made space while loading his mouth, before them is the biggest meal Estella has ever seen: lamb chops, carrot soup, mashed potatoes, and green salad.

"Eat, please. Food's always so scarce in the Arena, you want to go into The Games with some meat on your bones." Iphigenia unlike her appearance and background is a caring mentor who took care of her tributes. Estella mumbles a soft thank you before commencing her dinner, Iphigenia watches over them like a mother bird, happy seeing the youngster eat.

 Estella mumbles a soft thank you before commencing her dinner, Iphigenia watches over them like a mother bird, happy seeing the youngster eat

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