...Not Author...

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*First Chapter is gonna be as chaotic ad I am*

I woke up in a dark room, with the dim light surrounding a throne.

Y/N: Hello?

I heard an echo in the cold air.

???: Ah, I see you have awoken.
Y/N: Who are you? And where am I?
???: Meh don't worry about who I am.

I saw a shadowed figured shifting around in their seat.

???: I have a clipboard of people that you have to choose from.
Y/N: Wait.
???: Oh my gosh! What?!
Y/N: Is this Author?
???: Nooo. Who's author I have no idea what your talking about..shut up.

I tilted my head a bit.

Author, I mean ???: Anyways. I have a paper full of names. What's happening is, you will choose a name and make them fall in love with you in 3 months.
Y/N: How am I gonna...

The Shadowed figure handed me a clipboard with a thing full of paper. I looked through the papers.

Y/N: Why are their mostly Milfs on here?
???: Because Milf lives matter!

I continued to look through the papers.

Y/N: I want Daniel!!
???: No.

The shadow figure took the paper from my hands and shoved it in their mouth.

Y/N: Wait no!

They mumbled words I couldn't understand.

Y/N: What?

They spit the paper out if their mouth.

???: That paper wasn't supposed to be there.
Y/N: What?? Tch fine.

I looked through the papers again.

Y/N: But why can't I-
???: Shhh. Shut the fuck up and choose.
Y/N: Oh my gosh fine.

I whined.

???: And hurry up. I'm a very busy person.
Y/N: Doing what?
???: I gotta go simp. I mean work.
Y/N: Suree.

I got to name that caught my eye.

Y/N: Isabella?

I muttered to myself.

???: Speak up girl!
Y/N: Isabella!
???: Perfect!

They took the clipboard.

???: So here's the deal. You have 3 months to make Isabella fall in love with you. If she doesn't in the first month then you'll get a warning. Second month you'll be fine, and third month you die. If she doesn't fall in love with you that is.

What I'm not some expert at love.

Y/N: Ya this isn't gonna be hard at all.
???: Shut up.
Y/N: Quit telling me to shut up!
???: Shut up or else I'll kill you now!

I scoffed.

???: Oh by the way your not gonna remember any of this when you wake up again. So just vibe through what happens and I'll take care of how you meet and stuff.
Y/N: Then how am I supposed to know who I'm meeting if I won't remember!?
???: Trust me you'll know.

They got up from their seat.

???: Oh since you're going to forget about all this.

They slapped me.

Y/N: I- Author!
Not Author: I told you I'm not Author!
Y/N: If you say so.

Just like that, I was teleported. About an hour later I woke up in my cell. With a blank conscious.

[The♡Shinigani] Isabella X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now