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Y/N: Hey. I just wanted to say that I was sorry.

In all honesty, I didn't really know what I was apologising for, but I felt it was the right thing do to.

Isabella: Its fine.
Y/N: Well I guess we're gonna have to wait for why Shini I doing this in a month.
Isabella: Ya.

Their was a quick awkward silence.

Isabella: Why did you pick me?

I tilted my head a bit.

Y/N: Your name on the paper drew my attention.

She nodded.


*Time Skip To more interesting parts*

It was officially a month later, and I was waiting for Shini to come back. And I waited, and waited and waited. Not a peep, it was almost midnight and I haven't heard from Shini.
I nervously paced around my room waiting for Shini's voice.
That's when I heard the door open and Isabella come into my room.

Isabella: Well. Its been a month.
Y/N: Ya.

I tried to remain calm. I shoved my hands in my pockets and looked to the left.

Isabella: Everything ok?
Y/N: Ya.

I looked at her.

Isabella: You sure?
Y/N: Mhmm.
Isabella: Y/N.

I looked at her.

Isabella: You're so obvious to read.
Y/N: What do you mean?

She sighed.

Isabella: Whenever you get nervous, you always put your hands in your pockets and look to the left. Or look down.
Y/N: No I don't.

I looked to the left.

Y/N: Oh I do..
Isabella: Exactly. So what's wrong. Did Shini say any news that made you nervous?
Y/N: Well..that's the thing. I haven't heard from Shini.
Isabella: All day?
Y/N: All day. She hasn't sang any songs, or call me any names. I'm getting kinda worried.
Isabella: Maybe she'll come tomorrow.
Y/N: Ya maybe.

Isabella started for the door.

Isabella: Anyways. I have some paperwork to finish. Inform me is she starts talking.
Y/N: Got it.

She left my room and I sat on my bed. A couple minutes past and I laid down.

Shini: Aww you worry about me?

She snickered.

Y/N: Shini!
Shini: What's up loser.

She chuckled again.

Shini: Alright. Are you ready for this information.
Y/N: Ya.
Shini: Alrighty.

She took a deep breathe, then exhaled.

Shini: So, every year. Myself and other..um things like me get together and do challenges. We do this to survive, so don't think we just use you as toys. Anyway. The challenge is, we take the most promising trainees and send them to our lair, there they have to pick one person from the list we provide and they have to make that person fall for you.

I nodded.

Shini: Now let me explain the list and why we use only certain names.
Y/N: And your gonna explain why Danie-
Shini: Shhhhh.

I could tell Shini rolled her eyes.

Shini: Anyways. The names put on that list are people that had, or have a crush on you. Or people who we see is a good match for you.

I nodded my head.

Y/N: Wait-
Shini: You get it now?

I sat up.

Y/N: So..since Daniel wasn't on the list that means...he never loved me.
Shini: That's what I've been trying to tell your dumbass.

If I'm being honest, I didn't feel heartbroken or anything. It was like a breathe of relief maybe. Shit, that means Isabella was right. I was only in lust.

Y/N: So..did you accidentally get mixed up with my list and someone else's?
Shini: Yes. Daniel actually loves a girl named Katie.

I sighed.

Shini: Before I leave. Ima just say this now. I wasn't supposed to come back this month, or the other month. Let that sit in your head. Unless your clueless self doesn't get it. Anyways tootles. I'll visit tomorrow.

She started laughing, and all I heard was a teleporting sound and her laughs fading.
What did she mean by "She wasn't supposed to come back"?
I laid down on my bed again.
That's when everything started piecing together. Shini only had to come back to give me warning that Isabella didn't love me. She did say before that she wasn't supposed to be here. Everything made so much more sense. That's why Isabella and I got into that little argument a month ago.

I got up from my bed and raced out the door to get to Isabella's office. I opened the door and saw Isabella jump a bit from my sudden entrance.

Y/N: Isabella-


[The♡Shinigani] Isabella X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now