Castle Dimitrescu

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The sunset was shining bright enough to sting and obscure eyesight, but that didn't stop you from staring up into the pink and orange hues. Every time you blinked, the phantom flash of the sun still danced along your eyelids, leaving a glare across your vision. You weren't even bothered by it, not when this numbness had clung itself to you, leaving you idle and just there. You flexed your fingers, and it rattled the chains locked around your wrists, bringing you back to where you were.

the boxed confinement you were trapped in felt more of a cage rather than the carriage bumping along the rocky trail that led you to your new prison - yes, castle dimitrescu sounded to be just another form of punishment, though you were uncertain as to why you were to be moved from heisenberg's watch to lady dimitrescu's estate. you could hardly call it a step up from the twisted games he forced you to play within his factory.

you were sure you were on borrowed time and it was nearly time to collect, and you were certain that time had come when the four lords surrounded you with mother miranda playing the head of the beast, leaving you cowering on the floor. the familiar iron hammer and the stench of billowing cigar smoke was on your right.

standing next to him was quite possibly one of the ugliest... things you'd ever seen. a cloak hid a majority of his body, but you had the suspicion that the misshaped person next to heisenberg wasn't entirely human... you got that vibe from everyone in the room. especially the weird doll that couldn't seem to reign in its excitement as it bounced in the veiled woman's lap seated next to mother miranda.

there was nothing human about the golden eyes that peered into yours from under the brim of a wide hat. they seemed calculating, curious, if not a tad bit confused as they surveyed your weak form. you looked away, unable to handle the weight of the woman's gaze, and that was how you caught mother miranda's bright eyes cutting into you from behind her bird-like mask.

"oh, how i have been waiting to meet you, little one." her voice demanded respect, but all you could do was gawk. "you are a stubborn thing, i've heard."

Her gaze slowly crept over to Heisenberg as she said it, and you couldn't help but feel a tremor of fright at his angered snarl, his arm's crossed petulantly. It was true, you had endured many weeks at the hands of the leather-clad man, and while he did his worst, you refused to succumb to his torture, though for how much longer, you couldn't say.

"i cannot fathom what keeps you here, but there is nothing special about the common human." said mother miranda, and the mounting irritation was crystal clear. "you might have one looking like a dog chasing its own tail, but let us see how you fare in castle dimitrescu."


The Feast of Love(male reader x Dimitrescu Sisters and Lady Dimitrescu)Where stories live. Discover now