A Visit to Benevientos

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Okay guys. Thank you so much for waiting on the next chapter. Apologies again for my absence.

As you all know what happened the last month, now an immediate relative died also just now and we cannot visit.

Blasted this pandemic, taking our love ones  away 😭😭

I don't want to post this chapter yet, it felt like it still needs something. I can't get my tongue to it, but this is the next chapter so, I will still need to post it. I will be editing this one soon.

Without further words, you may continue to read the new chapter.


This is the first time that you are going to visit the Beneviento estate. You were amazed that the mansion was build beside a majestic waterfall. It has a good view of the part of the village and a natural cool breeze that comes from the falls. A quiet and serene place to live. You thought of living here for a moment, away from the Dimitrescus.

You are welcomed by the old gardener of the Beneviento's. "This way young man, Lady Beneviento is expecting you." He bows his head.

"Thank you." you nod for the acknowledgement.

As you walk inside the mansion you saw Donna teaching Bela how to play chess at the receiving area. You see in Bela's eyes that she is already at her limit taking in information about this board game. You see Bela already pouting and it looks cute. You hem, just enough to caught their attention. Bela's face brightens up when she saw your face and run to you to hug you tightly and she immediately buries her face to your neck. She stayed for a couple of minutes and you understand her. She misses you so much and you feel the same with her. Your hands embraces her body in response and pats her head. She purred like a cat.

For a time being, you're mind is at ease and not thinking about Alcina. You shove your nose to her neck to smell her scent. Expensive perfume and dried blood that are already mixed in Bela's body.

Donna smiled. "I should bring some tea." She said as she exits the room. You and Bela turns to Donna and nodded at the same time. You both smiled when you responded in sync. She giggled.

"I miss you so much" Bela muttered while her gloved fingers stride your locks.

"Same feeling with you. I miss you so much. Your nose rubbing her cheeks, again she giggles.

You both sat down while you wait for the tea, your hands entangled to each other. Bela doesn't want to let go of your arms as she clung to it. She is being too clingy. "Clingy, aren't we?" Your thoughts turn to words. She was shocked and immediately composed her regal self. You laugh at the sudden change of the oldest.

"We're back!" Angie shouts and Donna follows with a tea set. You and Bela immediately separated and the Bela blushes.

"Donna! Look at Bela! She looks like a tomato!" The nosy doll exclaims. You laugh at the doll and Bela's face turned red completely. She covers her face with her hood.

"Bela, don't be so dramatic!" The doll exclaims.

"Keep your mouth shut! You pesky talkative doll!" Bela angrily answered while sitting comfortably beside you.

The cups are prepared by Donna herself. "This is jasmine tea. You can choose if you want honey or sugar for sweetness" She smiled while pouring the liquid to each of the cups. You gladly take your cup and directly sips on it without any condiments.

Angie telling stories about what happened in the Beneviento's house recently, telling jokes and anything. You observed that Angie and Donna are totally opposites. It seemed like Donna's supposedly joyful personality became Angie's embodiment and personality while Donna represents sadness and mourning.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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