When Bela Falls Inlove

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First and foremost, you’re dealing with the oldest child so Bela is constantly seeking her mother’s approval in every aspect of her life, and that would include her mother’s opinion on you.

But you gotta understand you’re dealing with a “momma’s girl” and the Lady’s final word means everything to Bela, so if you can get past that, you’re something very special to the blonde.

That’s not to say she doesn’t have a mind of her own, and when you’re on it, everything, even her mother couldn’t be further from her brain, and that’s something you shouldn’t take for granted.

Because usually she can’t keep her mind off of her “responsibility” of cleaning up whatever mess her sisters had made, and they tended to be a little messy — so the key to her heart? Good old fashion acts of service.

Now while you can’t exactly help her with… well, hunting the unfortunate prey, you would do the small things to help alleviate her stress — Bela’s favorite words? “Let me do that for you”

“Let me draw you a blood bath?”

“Let me clean your robe for you?”

“Let me talk to your sisters for you?”

Because honestly you can’t take the stress that weighs her down sometimes, and if there was some small chance that you could get through to her… eccentric sisters on her behalf to consider toning it down a bit, then you were jumping all over it

And if that meant you died, you died

But the gesture touches Bela in a way that no one or anything ever has, because she can see it, in your eyes and in your actions, that you care about her enough to want to help in some way, and she finds that she’s all too willing to let you.

In the beginning, Bela wouldn’t be shy to make it known that she sought after her mother’s praise, but over the course of time and your relationship, she began talking less and less about her mother, and more and more about you. What your interests were and what your appetite was like.

What made you smile that she had grown to love.

She also watches you silently, without you paying attention, and she had never studied something so hard in her life as she did when she eyes you closely, learning every curve, every expression, every stance — she wants to be able to read you.

She always looks into your eyes when she returns from feeding, her mouth smeared and messy, needing to see if the disgust was there, and every time you must be silently telling her what she wants because she breaks into a grin, cocking her head to the side every time.

She nearly cried the first time she had done that, you standing in the dining room as she had just finished ravishing her meal and your response was an eased look as you turned to grab the tablecloth and turned back to wordlessly dab at her chin, and then you leaned forward to give her a quick peck to the cheek before pulling back to give her a small smile.

Bela is a girl who would appreciate falling in love over and over again, not just once — so when you do little things that take her breath away and have her falling head over heels all over again, she can’t stop herself from kissing your breath away as well, hands tangling in your hair

A big part of what has her falling in love on repeat is your acceptance of everything that is her and her family.

You do not show disgust when they speak of normal Dimitrescu conversation and for that, she is always counting herself lucky to have found someone as accepting as you.

Rather than fear her ability to devolve into a hoard of insects, she relished when you showed appreciation and care surrounding them — you always made sure not to accidentally step on one lest you crush a small part of her, and that’s what they were to you, every insect a piece of Bela, and you made sure everyone was in good health while in your vicinity.

And while you wouldn’t say that you would normally willingly grab ahold of a bug in your bare hand, you allowed the feel of Bela when one of her insects insisted on touching you in some way, and when you curled your palm lovingly to keep her secured when you walked, she fell in love again.

And she doesn’t hesitate to tell you so because Bela’s love language is words of affirmation and seeing as she herself preens on her mother’s affirmative words, it’s no wonder that she wants you to bask in her words of love and affection and feel the same approval and acceptance.

Bela is protective as all hell, and she would never allow harm to befall you… never… to almost the point of irritatingly so if you didn’t also find it endearing — you knew she wouldn’t care if she wasn’t as vigilant as she was over you, so really, who were you to stop her from keeping a watchful eye on you when you were around, and maybe leaving behind a little fella to report back with when she wasn’t.

Don’t offer the temptation of feeding on you unless you positively mean it, because she will see it for the gift that it is and would be honored to the point of blinking tears away to have gained that trust from you, and while she will ask you at least twice if you’re sure, she would surely cradle your face as though she held the world in her hands.

Bela would be gentle with every touch, may it be sexual or not, with you, and the experience of feeding on you would be no different, in fact, you don’t think she is ever as gentle with you as she was when she was preparing to bite into your neck and take her fill.

Her words so full of love was the only comfort you needed, but her soft hands rubbing small circles along the vein in your throat was also nice… as was the litter of kisses she placed upon your neck before very carefully biting down, cringing herself at the feel of your skin giving way.

She always feels a pang in her chest at your whimper, but you always urge her to press on by biting your lip, hoping to suppress it, and she is never greedy with her drinking, taking only what you offered and nothing else, and you loved that you didn’t have to verbally tell her when the limit had been reached.

Because she does learn how to read you in the end, and you’re the one story she would never grow tired of reading, not when you’re her peace, her safe place, and she would never ruin that, not when you bring her such comfort that she didn’t know how to live without it now.

Bela never pushes or even asks, but she wishes that one day you would turn to her and ask for her help in turning you like her because she would be ready for you, willingly and with no hesitation because she needs you by her side forever, her eyes get too wet when she thinks about otherwise.


The Feast of Love(male reader x Dimitrescu Sisters and Lady Dimitrescu)Where stories live. Discover now