The Tall Lady and the Three Daughters

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you could immediately tell who dwelled there with the way the woman wearing white was smiling like the cat who ate the canary. she was completely predatory and was feeding off of heisenberg's disgrace and fury, and between the two, you weren't sure who the best option was, not when her eyes turned to you and she looked like she knew exactly what she wanted to do with you.

"do not worry, mother miranda," the woman promised, already moving to stand, and the way she towered over you had your neck craned straight upward. "it's been some time since my daughters had a plaything."

that comment alone had the other occupants of the room guffawing and whistling. everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy the prospect of her daughters getting their hands on you, even heisenberg had his eyebrows arched in surprise. who the hell are these girls? mother miranda seemed to know and that was all that mattered

"You are about to see what real monsters are."

And that was how you found yourself roughly chained up inside the carriage that guided you to Castle Dimitrescu. You weren't entirely sure why it was such a slap in the face to Heisenberg, but he seemed rather indignant as he loaded you up, spitting insults through the whole process.

You couldn't say for sure how long you had been traveling, but it was enough to have all of your joints achey and your ass numb by the time it was all said and done. Hell, it was long enough to feel the temperature drop as you trekked back around the mountains that stood between the factory and the castle. Though that wasn't to say that you were in any big rush to get there. In fact, your heart dropped when the carriage came to an abrupt halt.

Panic gripped at your heart, and it felt as though fingers squeezed tightly around it. It left you motionless where you sat, wide eyes glued to the door that you were shoved in through. You could hear Heisenberg muttering and rustling as he approached, but aside from that, you couldn't hear the distinct clanking of his iron hammer. He had such little faith in your survival skills that he didn't even bother with arming himself to release you. Not that he needed to... You've seen what he can become, and you've seen what he houses in his factory. He'd kill you dead in a few seconds flat if you tried anything.

But at this point, what did you have to lose? Mother Miranda made it very clear that you were to be eliminated at the hands of these daughters, so did it really matter if you died at the doorstep or in the dungeon? You might have accepted death, but that didn't mean you wouldn't put up a last fight out of pure stubbornness. So that was how you had every intention of kicking forcefully at the door once it began creeping open to have him stumble back, possibly cracking him straight in the nose in the process, but that didn't go as planned right off the bat.

Not when the door was nearly ripped right off the hinges in the haste to open, leaving you jarred, mouth hanging. The sunlight was now faded and replaced by the beams of the moon, but it was a bright night, leaving you capable of seeing that this was definitely not Heisenberg. And neither was she... or her. Uh oh.

"Mother!he's here!" squealed the redheaded girl closest to you, clapping happily.

"Thank you for the gift, Mother," said the brunette, her smirk not reaching her dead eyes.

"We will not disappoint you." promised the blonde, her eyes observing your every move like a hawk.

"Have fun, daughters, but do remember that this one comes special from Mother Miranda, so do not forget to thank her." their mother instructed, as if you weren't there.

"Thank you, Mother Miranda," all three said in unison before three different pairs of hands grabbed whichever part of you that they could.

Heisenberg clicked his tongue from where he leaned against the side of the carriage. He had an arm crossed while the other brought a cigar nestled between two fingers to his lips. You couldn't read his eyes from behind his circular sunglasses, but you could read the entertainment in his toothy smile before he took a drag. When he blew it out into your direction, his satisfied grin spread again.

The Feast of Love(male reader x Dimitrescu Sisters and Lady Dimitrescu)Where stories live. Discover now