How to Distract Bela

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Having one, hot as hell, gothic vampire lady as girlfriend is hard to handle but having three is too much. Each of them has a special way on how you would treat them.

Through and through, you got your way to each of the sisters' hearts. They have fallen in love with you. You never ceased to make Bela fall for you every second of everyday whenever your with her. Cassandra's touches from physical to lustful and caring. The crazed giggle of Daniela turned to a loving chuckle when you make her laugh.

The mistress doesn't mind much though but sometimes you feel those yellow glowing eyes eyeing at you whenever you are at her level of sight. Whenever you see her in the hallways at night, transferring from one room to another, she would nod at you and continues to patrol at the well decorated parts of the castle before she takes her slumber, she would glance at you once you already past her. You would see those eyes focusing at you whenever you have your afternoon tea with the lady.

You don't know if you are being guarded by an overprotecting mother, but their is nothing to worry as what Daniela says, this was the first time that there is a man who stayed longer than anyone have expected.

The sisters adores you so much and that is everything you need in the world. There is nothing to get back to once you come outside of the walls of the castle.

As per the sisters agreement, the eldest, Bela will go first, then Cassandra and Daniela. Bela exerted her birth-right on this one and you find it amusing as she is regal and confident in all of her actions and decision making.

She has her hidden cheeky side and only comes out whenever she is alone in her room or you two are together. She seemed like a teenager whenever she is around you. She enjoys your company, if ever she is bored reading the book that she has, she would stare at you while your busy reading your own book. You just smile whenever your eyes met her gaze.

Whenever she feeds on you, she would lie next to you, draw circles on your neck then she would fixate with little kisses then afterwards she plunge her mouth on that spot and have her feel. She would hold your neck still so that you won't move being careful not to bite a major vein on your neck. You whimper as her head plummeted further to her delight. Simultaneously, you feel her tongue licking to ease the pain of her bite. Afterwards she would clean that wound mark with her tongue and dress it with bandage that she already prepared. She would fix her self after a delicious meal and lay beside you while you recover from your dizziness for a bit. "Delectable", she comments on how your blood taste.

You drowned yourself reading books while Bela merely shrugs as she takes a seat on the couch as night draws near. The motion is so effortlessly regal you can't help but feel envious. Imagine if she were actually trying to impress.

"You can distract me until dinner." The question is, distract her from what. From her thoughts? Her thirst?

Well. You can certainly agree there's many voices in your head you'd like muted for a while, too. Bela and you are very different, yet you both want the same things from the other.

You chew on your bottom lip, debating your next move for a few seconds. Then you summon the courage to place your book down, walk forward, Bela's yellow gaze, equal parts analyzing and intrigued, lingering on you the entire time.

She continues to stare when you come to a stop by her legs. You are towering above her, for a change. The edge of her attractive mouth curves up. "Liking the view from up there?"

Ah, but you know better than to helplessly fall into her prodding games, now. At least not without securing a solid advantage, first. And the easiest way to do that...

Is catching her by surprise.

Calm and quick, you ignore the ample space left for you on the couch in favor of sitting right in her lap. Bela's eyes widen the slightest amount. Score.

"I'm liking it better from here, actually." you say, trailing your hand up her bicep until it rests on her shoulder.

The hard contours you feel underneath make you want to repeat the motion without the thick black robes in the way. At the same time, though, you give her time to show you if you've crossed a boundary, if there's anything about this she doesn't like.

Bela's cold hand on the small of your back guides you closer and that's all the confirmation you need.

"Bold move, little pet." she whispers, eyeing you like a hungry lion. You know the darkness seeping in her gaze shouldn't be as arousing as it is. You know, but you are powerless to lessen its effect on you.

When you kiss, it is electric. Your lips slide and lock together like they were made to be melded. Your hands ache to roam, to map out the taut skin hidden beneath the black fabric.

Slowly, you drag your nails over her nape, down and around to her collarbone, feeling the tiny hitch that elicits. It is a thrill to have something so powerful shiver because of you. Addicting.

Bela's fingers tighten against you when you nibble on her lower lip. There may be bruises there tomorrow, but right now that only spurs you further, to leave a trail of kisses along her jawline.

A moan. It comes out as a sexy, breathless warning that you -perhaps foolishly- ignore.

It's just that- she smells so good and her skin is warming up so nicely under your lips and you are so terribly tempted to press a little bite on her neck. Just under her choker, somewhere that will be secret, known only to the two of you...

The second your lips touch her, Bela twists you around hard enough to make the world spin. Your back makes a muted thump against the couch and she's braced over you, ravenous.

Her eyes glow with that inhuman thirst again, the tip of her tongue rested underneath a sharp fang that catches the candlelight like a pearl. Her arms are a prison you won't escape from no matter how hard you try and yet...

You wouldn't call it not being afraid, exactly. More like...

You trust her.

"You like playing with fire a tad too much, don't you?" Oh, but if all fires burned like she does...

You lean up to answer that without words, but Bela's hand comes to your chest and presses you back down. Oh, damn... It would be nice if your brain could think about anything other than how hot that is.

"Don't." she says, firmer this time. "Don't tempt me right now. The things I want to do to you would scare you away."

You understand when not to press for both your sakes. Instead, you move your fingers in a soft caress up her forearm that seems to loosen her muscles up, somewhat.

Bela's eyes shift from your neck to yours. There is a flash of emotion there that you desperately want to decipher-

"Oopsie. Am I interrupting something~?" Daniela's voice breaks the spell.

Bela jumps off of you like she was caught during a crime. Or like a cat whose tail was just set aflame. Or both.

"Daniela what are you doing here?" Bela growls and you only sink further into the couch, wishing you could disappear in it.

"Came to collect you for dinner. Didn't think you'd be busy." she shrugs, stepping back into the hallway.

"I wasn't busy." Bela hisses, going after her.

"Were too."

"Don't say anything stupid at dinner!", she quickly shifts from being soft to a proud huntress.

The Feast of Love(male reader x Dimitrescu Sisters and Lady Dimitrescu)Where stories live. Discover now