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Okay so... I didn't expect that this book got so SO many supports and readers that want to know more about the story. Thank you guys for that ^^. So I'm thinking about giving this book another go. As long as you guys are cool with the conditions below.

1) I am currently writing 2 books atm and I have a job. So if you guys want this book to continue, it will be a slow update (like 1 chapter per week or I'll update whenever I can).

2) I don't like being pushed about when I can update my story. Like I said, I have a job so I'll update my books whenever I can. Being pushed might make my stories kind of lame and no one wants that.

3) This book will no longer have GIF images like when Y/n summons the Galleon. (Those are kind of pain to put into the book honestly)

If you guys are cool with the conditions above, I promise I'll give you guys the best that I could offer.

Oh and one more thing. Thank you for all of yours support ^^

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