Chapter 4: Why We're Comrades

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I was lying lazily on the couch, about to fall asleep. When suddenly Luka suggest testing out all the Ranger Keys' grand power to see what they look like.

Marvelous: "Sounds interesting. Let's get to it!" The others then nod in enthusiasm, I just lying there unresponsive, hoping they would let it slide. But unfortunately, it didn't go unnoticed by Ahim.

Ahim: "What about you, Y/n-san?" as the others turn towards me, making me let out a sigh.

Y/n: "I'll pass. Plus, you guys don't really need me for that anyway, since all of the Ranger Keys we got are 5 keys for each Sentai. And the Galleon can still function as long as me or Marvelous operating it." They nod understanding my points, but I can sense that Marvelous won't have that.

Marvelous: "Then make yourself useful. Go out there and tell us how the powers look like." This make me glare at him.

Y/n: "Excuse me but I'm not your slave."

Marvelous: "No, you're not. But I'm your captain." We glared at each other for a bit before I sighed and backed down, while Marvelous smirks in triumphant.

Y/n: "Do NOT combine the Galleon while I'm still here." As I turn around and go down the stairs, then use an anchor to land on the ground below. The Galleon then combined and transformed into Gokai-Oh, attracting attention from the people nearby as they gathered around me with me in the front.

??: "It's the space pirates!"

??: "Over there! What are they doing?"

??; "Something's happening!"

Then my Mobirates ring, I check to see it was Marvelous who's calling and answered.

Marvelous: "Change of plan. Tell us immediately."

Y/n: "Yes, your Majesty." As I groan in annoyance, then hearing chuckles from the others.

Joe: "Which should we start with?"

Luka: "Then, let's start with JAKQ! Come forth! Thy name is... JAKQ Dengeki Dragon!" as the cabins then open up, revealing nothing but smokes.

Y/n: "Uhh... are you guys mistaken with our Ranger Keys by any chance? And why isn't the cannon appear?"

Luka: "I knew it wouldn't work." making me face-palmed.

Y/n: "If you knew then why would you suggest testing them out?"

Luka: "You won't know if you don't try. Then... let's do Battle Fever J next." The cabins open up but nothing come out again, just like last time.

Kid: "This is boring." as the crowd slowly dispersed.

Y/n: "This is a waste of time." as I sigh again, grabbing the anchor and board the Galleon as it changed back.

Luka: "In the end, nothing appeared. Guess all we can use right now is MagiDragon." as she plumps herself on the couch. I go up the stairs and lean next to the control panel while crossing my arms.

Joe: "We're talking about each Sentai's grand power. We're not going to obtain them that easily."

Doc: "Looks like we have to obtain the other 33 or it won't work." as Ahim stands up, holding a cup of tea in her hand.

Ahim: "Just like how Doc-san found courage. Maybe we need to achieve something to obtain the grand power." as I notice she's heading my way then stop in front of me, holding up the cup while smiling at me. I take the cup from her hand and nod gratefully, while sipping some tea. Marvelous then walks past me while putting his coat on my shoulder and sits on his chair.

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