Bro what?

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Here we go again.


"Hey Eddy!" David smiled as Pikeman walked over to the fire in (surprisingly) casual wear instead of his usual uniform. He squinted at the taller red head.

"Dont call me that Davey," He snarked and sat beside said person.

"Hey camp man care to explain why this shitty boot camp fuck is here?" Max asked from the other side and leaning to see the pair better.

"Max please refrain from being mean to my little brother," David said sweetly but with force. There was a sudden silence around the campfire.

"Pikeman that fucking whimsy ass moron is your brother?" Max said and David nodded ignoring the insult.

"Apperently he is whimpy if he's letting a bunch of children insult him," Edward replied folding his arms. David rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"Yah done?" He asked and pulled his guitar out of seemingly no where.

"Nope I suddenly have a liking to Pikeman," Max said with a smirk. David did a sarcastic smile at his brother who stuck his tongue out back.

"Well if you like him that much you can go to the wood scouts!" David replied with a tone that sounded serious but was more of a joke, while he strummed a few cords.  "Any song requests?"

"Ew no!" Max said to the statement before the question.

"Sorry Max don't know that one," David said and continued to strum idly. "Eddy quit staring at Gwen,"

"Yeah Pikeman back off," Gwen said glaring at Edward. Both of the boys looked at her. "Your brother David, you're fine,"

"Oh okay," David smiled and Edward groaned.

"Fucking David," Edward pouted.

"Language Eddy,"

"Shut it Davey,"

"Aright Eddy,"

"Stop it!"

"Stop what Eddy?"

"Stop acting like you're perfect!"

"I'm not!"

"Cut the shit! Ever since that one year at Campbell you've just been perfect little davey."

"Eddy can we do this some other time please not in front of the campers,"

"Everytime Campbell would come around it was always good Davey, oh hey Eddy,"

"Eddy please,"

"Jasper was right to hate you and Campell for that matter,"

David winced at that one and Max made(?) a sharp intake of breathe.

"That may be a bit far," Max said.

"Know what? I am sick of this, why don't you go hang out with your obviously better other brother and let him sacrifice you to whatever fucking cult he's part of," David said.

"Aha the imperfections are finally out!"

"Yeah yeah what ever now can you tell me what I am doing wrong to fix this?"

"Why did you always pretend that you were better," Edward started. "You were always above everything always did what ever the fuck people told you,"

"Cause I was scared!"

"Of what?"

David paused.

"They'd hurt me, I told them but they didn't listen!" David said and paused realising he had said that out loud. He pursed his lips and started towards the councilers cabin. This left the rest of the peeps around the camp fire speechless.

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