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Uriah's POV

"Oh my god I can't breathe," I manage to say through my unsteady breaths.

"Just calm down," Zeke tells me. "It's not that hard."

"What if she says no? Oh god..."

Zeke walks over to me and places his arms on my shoulders. He looks me straight in the eyes. "Just relax, chill dude," he says.

I take a deep breath and Zeke hands me the little black box. I take it in both of my hands and turn it around and around. It's velvet and soft.

"Okay," Zeke states. "You know the drill." He smirks at me, and it turns into a genuine smile. "My little brother is growing up." He fake sniffs and pretends to cry.

"Shut up," I say and laugh. I take Zeke's arms and remove them from my shoulders. I turn and start to walk out of his apartment. Once I open the door, Zeke speaks again.

"Good luck," he says.

I nod and smile at him. Walking out of the apartment, I realize that I am in no way comfortable with the clothes I'm wearing; a black, collared shirt with khaki dress pants and black shoes. I hate to dress up fancy. I guess it won't matter since this is a special occasion.

I soon find myself at Marlene's apartment, hesitating to knock on the door. A million thoughts rush through my mind and a burst of nervousness shoots in my veins. I gain the bravery to knock, and Marlene opens the door. Her lips spread into a grin once she sees me.

"You look nice," she says.

"You look nicer," I say and laugh, stashing my hands in my pant pockets. Marlene laughs lightly and walks out of her apartment completely, closing the door behind her. She is wearing a knee-length black dress and black flats. Her long, brown hair is slightly curled and flows down her back.

I take my hands out from my pockets and Marlene holds out her hand, lacing her fingers with mine. Together we walk down the long hallway of Dauntless and near the Pit. A picture flashes in my head of Marlene in a Dauntless hospital bed during the time when she was in a coma. I suddenly realize that it is almost a miracle that this is happening right now-her hand in mine and us walking side by side. This was meant to be.

Marlene leans her head on my shoulder as we walk and speaks. "Where are we going, Uriah?"

"Where do you think we're going?" I question her.

"Somewhere to eat, probably," she replies calmly. "Am I right?"

"I don't know," I say in a sing-song voice. We arrive in the Pit and it's pitch black. No one is here and all the lights are turned off temporarily besides the blue lanterns that light the hallways.

Thank you, Shauna and Christina.

A sigh of relief washes over me, and I stand up straight, graciously grab both of Marlene's small hands in mine, and look into her golden-brown eyes.

"Uriah," she whispers, looking worried. "What's going on? Why is it dark in here? It's never dark in the Pit."

"Shh.." I tell her, not able to contain my smile.

"But Uriah-"

"Marlene Jefferson," I say in a louder tone. "I have spent practically my entire life with you. We were teenagers here in Dauntless and initiates together-best friends even, but during our time spent together I have realized that you're a part of my life now. Life isn't the same without you, and I want to continue our time spent together, but in a different way. So, will you Marlene Jefferson..."

I let go of one of Marlene's hands and she cups her mouth with it. Grabbing the black box from my back pocket, I get down on one knee and open it.

"...marry me?" Marlene gasps and I see her eyes tearing up. She nods her head vigorously and I feel her lips press against mine.


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