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Uriah's POV

I sit at my usual table with Shauna, Zeke, Four, Tris, Christina, Will, Lynn, Marlene, and me in the cafeteria. Only the guys are here because the girls are going dress shopping with Marlene.

"Our boy is growing up," Four jokes, elbowing Zeke in the shoulder.

"What are we going to do?" Zeke pretends to cry.

I take a bite of my chocolate cake and sigh. Four and Zeke are both already married. Will is planning to propose to Christina, but he's waiting for the perfect timing.

Zeke yawns. "When's the last time you talked to Mom?" he asks me.

"About two weeks ago," I say. My mom and I have been really distant lately.

"You should go see her," Will suggests.

I shrug. Every time I'm around my mom a feeling of nostalgia hits me, and I get sad because I miss my childhood memories with her. She acts different around me now, and I wish she would treat me normal.

"Hey." Someone speaks. I turn around to see who it is. Peter sits down beside me. "How's it going, Uriah?" An evil smirk is planted on his face.

"What do you want, Peter?" Four asks, lowering his eyes at him.

Peter shrugs and sits back. "I just wanted to congratulate my friend here," he says, throwing an arm over my shoulder.

I shiver when his cold arm hits mine. Pushing him away from me, I stand up. "I have to go."

"It's a shame you have to leave so early. We had a lot to talk about," Peter says. Zeke gives me a look, and I know he wants me to go see Mom. I nod at him. Four is looking at something across the cafeteria, but I can't tell what. Will is staring with him.

"I'll be right back," Four states. He gets up from his seat and walks toward a lady standing in the doorway. He stares at her intently.

"Who's that?" Peter asks.

"Uriah." Someone taps my shoulder. Turning around, I see Max standing in front of me.


"I need you to go to my office please," he says. "And you too, Peter."

"What did I do-?" Peter starts.

"Nobody did anything," Max says,"but I need a few people in my office. Don't argue, just go." I nod in agreement and go to Max's office. I have to walk near Four and the lady to get out of the cafeteria. They're arguing with each other. Once I walk into the hallway, I see tons of people wearing various colored clothes. Factionless.

I pass them, trying to be silent as possible. A tall man elbows me in the stomach. I groan.

"Help us!" He screams. "Evelyn said there would be shelter here!" He shouts throughout the dark hallways of Dauntless. His voice echoes.

"I'm sorry," I say. I try to walk away from him. "I can't help." I run out of the crowd of people. There was probably about fifty of them.

As I get closer to Max's office, I see Eric jogging toward me. He stops beside me and is trying to catch his breath. "This is insane," he breathes.

We reach Max's office and open the door. Max has already come back, and he is sitting in his chair. After everyone arrives, the people that are in here are Eric, Peter, Gabe, Four, me, and a few other guys that I don't recognize.

Max starts, "I have called you eight here for a very important reason. The Factionless are giving our society two options. They will rebel against the government unless we allow each and every one of their members to be assigned a faction." The room is silent.

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