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Marlene's POV

"I can't believe you're getting married!" Christina squeals. She drops her food tray onto the cafeteria table and sits beside me, almost making me fall off of the bench seat.

"Can I see your ring?" asks Tris.

"Yeah," I say, pulling the shiny, diamond ring band off of my wedding finger and handing it to her.

"Don't tell Four this," she says, turning the ring around in her fingers and examining it. "But I think your ring looks better than the one he gave me."

Christina, Tris, and I all laugh. Last year Four proposed to Tris. They got married three months later and their one year anniversary isn't far away from now.

"What all are you planning for the wedding?" Christina asks me eagerly as Tris hands me back my ring.

"I don't know." I laugh lightly. "I've only had one day to think."

"You have to find out soon!" Christina exclaims. She gasps excitedly. "Oohh...I could help you with the decorations and the dresses-" She squeals. "The dresses! Can't you imagine all the gowns that everyone will be wearing! It will all be phenomenal and the lighting must be perfect-"

Tris makes a face at Christina and looks her in the eyes. "You're getting ahead of yourself, Chris."

"I know," Christina admits ,"but I'm just so excited!"

"We know," I say, and we all laugh along.

Christina takes a bite of her hamburger, and I finish the last bit of my apple.

"I'm going to find Lynn," I say, getting up from my seat.

"Good luck," Christina states. "She's been extra grumpy lately."

I nod and leave the cafeteria. I haven't seen Lynn in a few days. I'm pretty sure she knows that I got engaged to Uriah yesterday, but I don't know how she will react.

I walk to her apartment and knock on the door. Lynn opens the door immediately and smiles once she sees me. Lynn's head isn't shaved anymore. Her dark blond hair lays across her head in short locks. It's very short, but it suits her.

"Hey," Lynn says.

"Hi." I smile.

"Come in." Lynn motions for me to walk inside her apartment. Once I walk in, I sit on the couch. Lynn sits in a chair across from the couch.

"So," Lynn starts ,"I heard about yesterday."


"When's the wedding?" she asks.

"I haven't told anyone, but Uriah said probably in a couple months."

"Are you excited?"

"Yes," I say, not able to contain my smile.

"I'm glad you two are happy," Lynn states. She smiles, but I see her eyes droop slightly. Lynn is trying her hardest to be glad right now. I can tell.

"What's wrong, Lynn?" I ask her.

Lynn sighs and shakes her head. "Nothing's wrong, Mar." The smile fades from her face. "It's're moving on now."

"Yeah, but we'll still be friends. It's not like I'm leaving you completely."

"No, that's not what I meant."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it," Lynn says. We sit in silence for a few minutes.

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