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Marlene's POV

I jerk awake once someone pushes my shoulder, and I fall off the couch and onto the flat floor. I groan and rub my head slightly. My eyes slowly adjust to the light in the apartment, and I look up to see Lynn standing above me.

"I didn't mean to push you off," she says. Lynn shrugs. "Well, at least you're awake now."

"I am awake, yes," I state. I stand up and then sit back down on the couch.

"Is something wrong?" I ask. "Why are you here?"

Lynn starts walking into the kitchen, and I can hear her rustling through a cabinet. "I figured I'd come pay you a visit since your fiancé is busy at the moment." She clicks her tongue and walks back into the living room.

"Where is he?" I ask. "I thought he was going to be home last night, so I tried to stay up and wait-"

"That explains the huge container of melted icecream on the counter in there," Lynn informs me and points to the kitchen. My eyes widen.

"I forgot to put up the icecream last night?!"

Lynn nods. The microwave in the kitchen dings, and she walks back toward the kitchen. I get up and follow her. Lynn pulls a cup of coffee out from the microwave while I throw away the melted icecream. It's a shame that it got wasted.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Lynn asks as she sips her drink.

"You seem oddly happy," I say and squint my eyes.

"What?" Lynn lowers her eyes at mine and smirks. "I can't ever be happy?" She lifts an eyebrow as though she's questioning me.

"Seriously," I add. "Why did you really come here?"

Lynn pauses and looks as if she's thinking hard. She sets the cup of coffee on the counter and taps her chin with her fingers. "Get some clothes on," she says. "Oversized tshirts and pajama pants won't do for this trip."

"You mean I have to change?" I pout and look at my comfortable attire.

"I said that it won't do for this trip."

"A trip?" I ask. "What trip?"

"Quit asking questions, Mar!" Lynn whisper/screams. She pushes me into the bedroom and shuts the door behind me. I smile once I'm alone. It's been a very long time since I've seen a happy Lynn. I like her better like this.

I change my clothes to a black vneck shirt, black jeans, and my black combat boots.

"Where are we going, Lynn?" I ask as I walk back into the kitchen.

"The train," she states. "C'mon before we're late."


Lynn grabs my shoulder to steady her balance. We both tumble onto the cold, metal floor of the train and laugh together.

Lynn can barely talk because she's laughing so hard. "That..was awesome."

"It was," I laugh. Lynn lays on the floor and stares up at the roof of the train.

"Did you see that man's face when we started to run?" Lynn smiles.

"Yeah," I say, excitedly.

Lynn and I have heard stories about Erudite and their fizzy drinks. We decided to sneak in and try to find a drink. When we got there, everyone was staring at us and Lynn kept making faces at all the people. Once the drinks were found by us, we started sipping them. I accidentally spit the drink out on an Erudite man. Lynn snorted and we ran back to the train as a few Erudite chased us.

We're quiet on the train. The wind blows my hair in various directions and tangles it into knots. I sit against the wall while Lynn still lays on the floor.

"Marlene," she says.


"There's something I've been needing to tell you."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," she states. "I just wanted you to know this."

"Okay," I say. "What?"

"Do you remember that girl named Caroline that Uriah brought to that Candor or Dauntless party one time?"

I do remember Caroline. I remember that night clear as day. It was the night Uriah kissed me.


"Well..her and I together."

"Are you serious?!" I shout.

Lynn looks at me and nods slightly.

"That's great, Lynn!" I exclaim.

"Really?" she asks me, sitting up.

"Yes," I say. "Really."

Lynn smiles. Lynn's smile is the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. It's always a rare occasion when she smiles, but when she does, it's as if she is the only thing around.

"You're my best friend," she states. "Thank you-for everything."

I suddenly wonder how things would have turned out differently if I wasn't with Uriah. Lynn and I would most likely be closer.

"Thank you," I tell her. "I couldn't live without you here to help me with everything."

This is just a short chapter, but I hope you all enjoyed it. Please leave reviews by voting and commenting. I appreciate all the reads and thanks so much for reading!

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