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Marlene's POV

I smile as I stand in front of an array of huge, shiny mirrors. Shauna comes up and hugs me from behind.

"You look so pretty in that dress, Mar," she whispers, smiling at our reflection in the mirror. I smile back.

"Thank you, Shauna."

I take a deep breath and relax my shoulders. The pure white dress flows smoothly down my waist and goes past my legs and feet. Being Dauntless, I have seen little white clothing in my life, and it is a different feeling. The white glows against my skin better, and it brings out my hair color. The dress is strapless and there is a small 'belt' of shiny diamonds that runs across the middle of its figure.

Shauna is still holding on to me, and Lynn comes in the changing room.

"Mar..." Her mouth drops open and her eyes widen in approval. "It's-amazing."

"Thanks, Lynn." I turn and smile at her as Shauna lets go of me. Lynn nods, and Shauna tells us that she's going to try on more bridesmaid dresses with Christina and Tris.

Lynn sits on a small bench that is located near the corner of the room. Her and I are the only ones in here.

"Did you all find any dresses?" I ask her.

Lynn nods slightly. "Christina can't make up her mind, but I found one. I think that we'll all end up getting it, though." I nod and glance back at myself in one of the many mirrors.

I can't believe this is actually happening.

In less than three months, I'll be married to the love of my life.

Uriah Pedrad.

Lynn sighs and smiles at me. "You're so beautiful," she states. I feel myself blushing and I accidentally look down at the floor for a second.

"I want to see you in a dress," I say, looking back up at her."I bet you'd be absolutely stunning." Lynn snorts.

"I wouldn't say, stunning."

"Yeah?" I raise an eyebrow.

She nods. We stay in silence for a few minutes, staring at each other and at my dress.

"I need to tell you something," she finally speaks up. "And I need you to understand."

"Lynn, I'll always listen to what you have to say."

She nods, reluctantly and starts to speak. Her voice shakes. "What do you do if you're in love with a person-but you don't know how to tell them-a-and...then it's too late? But you still love them and you feel as if life would never be compete without their presence."

I stare at Lynn, shocked. I know exactly what she's talking about. I know exactly who she's talking about. Me.

I gulp and breath out. "You never told me, Lynn."

"How do you tell your bestfriend that you're in love with them?"

"I-I don't know, but-" She nods and stands up, cutting off my reply.

"I need to get going," she mutters. "Christina probably needs me." She begins to walk away, but I grab her wrist to stop her. Lynn turns and looks at me.

"No, Lynn. I don't want you avoiding me anymore. I love you too, just..not like that, but I still love you. I don't want us to be distant after this wedding is over. I want our friendship to remain. Promise me, it will. Please."

Lynn clenches her jaw and stares at the floor. "It will." She looks me in the eyes again. "It will."

"Good," I state and release her wrist. Her arm falls to her side, and we stand there awkwardly for a few seconds. All of a sudden, Lynn embraces me in a hug. She holds me tight and whispers.

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