25 | i force bakugo go give me a fist-pump

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''Excuse me, Recovery Girl?''

''Yes, Miss L/n? Didn't I already fix your wounds? Is there something I missed?''

Y/n shook her head. ''No, no. I'm perfectly fine, thank you. I wanted to ask if it would be okay if I stayed with the two here for a bit.''

''It would be fine, just be quiet. They need rest,'' Recovery Girl said.

''Thank you.'' Y/n bowed and walked in the room as the doctor walked out. The former took a chair and placed it next to Bakugo's bed, the boy still being unconscious, the same going for Midoriya.

She simply sat there, watching him. He looked so peaceful. She hasn't seen him that peaceful since last Saturday before she hugged him. She did prefer his explosive self more if he was awake and alright, though.

Her feelings for Bakugo was something she didn't quite understand, but had accepted - before, her type would've been someone sweet and cheerful - maybe like Kirishima or Midoriya, maybe even Kaminari - but now, her type was Bakugo and everything he was. It was weird, but she'd come to terms with it.

It wasn't like he had only bad qualities. Sure, he's loud, sometimes disrespectful, swears a lot, his usual persona isn't the best - but to her, that's mostly a façade. He's showed her he can be nice if he wanted to. He just keeps his good qualities for people he thinks deserve to see them.

''The fuck are you staring at, Speedy?''

She'd been so in thought that she hadn't noticed Bakugo waking up. His voice was weak and groggy, which made Y/n feel things, but she pushed that aside as she gave him a teasing smile.

''Hey,'' she greeted. ''You good?''

''Yeah,'' Bakugo said. ''It's not like I just got my ass kicked by All Might.''

Y/n laughed. ''Yeah, that was amusing to watch. You did pass the exam, though.''

Bakugo cocked an eyebrow. ''I did? Well, of course I did, but how?''

''Midoriya carried your unconscious body through the escape gate,'' Y/n said, causing Bakugo to scoff.

''Of course it was fucking Deku.''

''I mean, he was your partner,'' Y/n said. ''Besdies, it doesn't matter. You're going to training camp, so be happy.''

''Yeah, yeah,'' Bakugo rolled his eyes. ''At least you're coming, since Shitty Hair most likely isn't.''

''I feel so bad for Kiri, he put so much effort into this.'' She shook her head. ''But, I guess I'll be there to keep you company so you won't be able to brood over your loneliness.''

Since when does she call Shitty Hair 'Kiri'?

''Now I wish you didn't pass your damn exam.''

''Don't be so mean!'' Y/n whisper-yelled, remembering Midoriya was still sleeping.

''Tch, I'm always fucking mean. It's fun to tease you,'' Bakugo said. ''Though, good job on your exam. Dunce Face and Racoon Eyes probably aren't passing since you were the only one who actually did something.''

''Yeah, don't remind me.''

''You should be proud of yourself, you did good,'' Bakugo said.

''So did you,'' Y/n said and raised her fist. ''Fist-pump?''



''Because it's dumb.''

''It's not dumb!''

speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now