37 | breaking the rules worked! (all might is done for)

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Bakugo was quiet. So quiet, that Y/n was starting to really worry. He did, however, keep on holding her hand tightly, which brought some sort of reassurance to her. Not by much, but it was something.

The group met with Todoroki, Momo and Midoriya, then they handed Bakugo off to the police. "Bakugo.'' He looked up at Y/n for the first time since All Might's true form was revealed. ''Text me when you get home . . . please?''

He looked at her for a moment before nodding, then let go of her hand and looked back down, letting the police lead him away. If the situation had been different, Kirishima would've teased Y/n. Alas, it wasn't, so he didn't say anything.

After half a day, it was finally time to go home. Now that she knew Bakugo was safe and sound, the tiredness was starting to get to her. She just wanted to crash into bed and sleep for the next three days. Maybe four.

''See you guys at school.'' Y/n yawned and waved at her friends, walking towards her train.

Once home, she tried to be as quiet as possible, considering it was very late. To her parent's knowledge, she was at the hospital with the teachers, waiting for news about Bakugo. Now that he was saved, she could say the teachers brought her back home.

It was probably better not to mention to her parents that she'd basically almost gone against the League of Villains.

She crashed on the bed, not even bothering with showering or changing her clothes. She was most definitely going to regret it in the morning, but for now, she just wanted to sleep.

- - -

Her phone buzzed next to her head and she groaned, regretting not putting the do not disturb mode one. There was a second and a third buzz and she sighed, turning her head to the other side to face her phone, pressing on the screen. It lit up, showing that it was a little past four in the morning. Her one open eye looked lower, seeing a message.

Deciding it wasn't important, her eye closed again. It took a few moments for her brain to process the information in her sleepy state, but once she did, she sat up on the bed, wincing as the light from her phone hit her eyes.

You're probably asleep by now
Just wanted to say I'm home now
Good night ig

i'm awake
how did it go

Did I fucking wake you fuck

Y/n frowned. Bakugo must've been really out of it if he even apologized to her.

don't worry about it i told you to text me
i was worried so

They just asked me about what happened and shit then let me go
My folks were worried sick too
The hag even shed a tear

don't call your mom a hag bakugo

Thank you for coming for me
I don't think I would've managed to escape alone

we're your friends and we care about you
we couldn't just leave you like that
i'm just glad you're okay

Yeah whatever
Go to bed yeah
It's late

yeah i'm about to pass out anyway
i'll see you at school?

speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now