32 | bakugo's knife-skills might be a bit concerning

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Y/n stood next to Bakugo as the two of them cut down vegetables for dinner. She was going slowly, trying not to cut herself, whilst Bakugo cut like a chef. Uraraka, who was nearby, took a notice of it and said, ''Bakugo, you're really good at using a knife! It's unexpected . . .''

''WHAT DO YOU MEAN UNEXPECTED?'' Bakugo snapped as he looked at Uraraka, his arm still furiously cutting the food. ''HOW CAN YOU BE BAD AT USING A KNIFE!''

''There he is. We haven't seent he capable version of him in a while,'' Kaminari, who was passing by, commented.

Y/n snorted as she put the cut up carrot in the bowl she and Bakugo were sharing. It was fuller, Bakugo having filled it quiet a lot already.

Bakugo turned to peek at her, seeing her cutting the vegetables slowly - or at least slower than him - and scoffed. ''For a speedster, you're very slow at cutting vegetables, Speedy.''

Y/n stuck her tongue out at him. ''Shut up, not everyone can cook.''

''So what, you need cooking lessons now?'' Bakugo teased, a smirk on his face.

''I don't need to cook if you'd cook for me,'' Y/n said, a smirk on her face.

Bakugo felt his cheeks become warmer. He looked back down at the carrots, watching his hands cut the vegetable. ''I wouldn't mind,'' he mumbled.

''What was that?'' Y/n asked, not having caught what he'd said.

''Nothing,'' he said and put his last carrot in the bowl. ''Give me some of your carrots, I'll help you.''

- - -

''Now, we've filled our bellies and washed the dishes!'' Pixie-Bob exclaimed. ''Next . . .''

''It's time for the test of courage!'' Mina exclaimed as she jumped up and down from happiness.

''We're gonna test it!'' the rest of the people who'd failed the exams yelled.

''Before that,'' Aizawa spoke, casuing the five of them to stiffen. ''It pains me to say this, but the extra lessons group will be having class with me now.''

''YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!'' Mina yelled.

''I'm sorry,'' Aizawa said and extended his scarf, wrapping it around the five of them. ''Your training during the day wasn't good enough, so I have to use this time.''


Y/n watched as they were taking away, Mina extending her hand in her direction. ''Y/n, save me!'' the pinkanette yelled, causing Y/n to laugh.

''I'm sorry, my friend, but it's for your own good!'' Y/n said as she waved her hand, causing Mina to scream in anger.

Bakugo chuckled upon the sight, making his way towards Y/n. He noticed that she was, once again, wearing his sweatshirt and he wondered if she ever even took it off. ''So, it's just you and I now.''

''And the rest of the class,'' Y/n reminded him.

Bakugo rolled his eyes. ''Yeah, and the loosers.''

Y/n hit his chest playfully as Mandalay spoke. ''Okay, so Class B will be the first to be the scarers. Class A will leave in pairs every three minutes. There are tags with your names written on them in the middle of the route, so bring those back with you. Those being the scarers aren't allowed to make direct contact. Show us how scary you are with your Quirks.''

''The class that makes the most people piss their pants with creativity and imagination wins!'' Tiger announced.

''Stop it. That's filthy,'' Jirou spoke.

''I see! They're trying to make us refine our ideas by making us compete with each other, giving us more options for our Quirks in the process! As expected of UA!'' Iida yelled.

''Now, you'll draw lots to determine your partners!'' Pixie-Bob said as she brought out a few papers, each of them having a number on them.

Y/n looked down at her number, seeing the number eight. She looked around, seeing people pair up already. ''Hey, who's got number eight?''

''I have it, L/n!'' Midoriya spoke as he approached her. ''Thank All Might you're here, I thought I'd end up alone.''

''Great to have you as my partner, Midoriya.'' Y/n smiled.

''Hey, Deku,'' Bakugo spoke as he placed a hand on Midoriya's shoulder, a scary look on his face and dangerous aura surrounding him. ''Switch with me!'' he said as he pointed at Todoroki, who was standing behind Bakugo.

''Aoyama, switch with me!'' Mineta spoke, gawking at Momo, who'd ended up with the blond. Aoyama was shaking his head furiously, refusing to switch.

''Tch, you better not piss your pants, Speedy,'' Bakugo spoke, nudging her side with a small smirk.

Y/n laughed. ''If anyone would be pissing their pants, that's Mineta. There's no chance we're loosing.''

After having come to an acceptance that they will not switch, Bakugo grumpily walked in the forest alongside Todoroki. Y/n and Midoriya would be the last ones to go in, seeing as they were number eight.

People went in and out, the first group finally returning. It started to smell funny, Y/n sniffing the air. It smelt like . . . something's burning.

''That's . . .'' Midoriya spoke and Y/n looked up, seeing the smoke come out from deeper in the forest.

''Black smoke . . .''

''Is something burning?''

''Could there be a fire in the mountain?''

Y/n's eyes widened, knowing that most of her classmates, along with Class B, was still in the forest. Bakugo was still in the forest.

''W-What is this?'' Pixie-Bob exclaimed as pink light engulfed her, lifting her off the ground and bringing her backwards.

Y/n peaked back, seeing Pixie-Bob on the ground, a weapon pressed to the side of her head, blood gushing out of the wound.

''Villains?'' Y/n said as she fully turned around, looking at the two villains.

''Why're there villains here?'' Mineta stuttered as he backed away from them.

''Pixie-Bob!'' Midoriya yelled as he ran towards her, Tiger stopping him by putting his pawed hand in front of the boy.

''Oh no,'' Mandalay said, never tearing her gaze away from the villains.

Midoriya turned around, as if realizing something. ''Kota!''

Y/n stared at the villains, not believing everything that was happening at once. The only word she managed to say was a quiet, ''Fuck.''

speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now