45 | kirishima really knows bakugo

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heyyyy . . . how you doing . . . i'm alive haha . . .


''And so . . . that's the gist of it!''

Y/n panted alongside her classmates, her training uniform clinging to her damp skin. Her hair was most likely a mess and she'd been flashed so many times she was sure to have unpleasant dreams tonight.

''Was my quirk strong?'' Mirio asked, his face pretty happy.

The class started praising his quirk, then they moved on to Tamaki and Nejire. Even Todoroki gave his input, though Y/n remained quiet, still trying to regain her breath from all the running.

Another drawback of her quirk had shown up recently — if she were in emotional distress, such as anxiety or overthinking, she tended to tire much quicker when using her Quirk. It felt weird to be so out of breath, but she couldn't calm her thoughts.

Midoriya had returned to school, but Bakugo was still on house arrest. She hadn't talked to him for the past four days, which was a record since they'd met. She wasn't sure what to think, wether she was overreacting or not. If she asked Mina, she felt like she would be even more confused.

She sat on the couch with Mina, Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu and Uraraka after class, still in their uniforms. They were talking about the internships now, while Y/n snacked on some chips she'd nicked from the kitchen — Kaminari was for sure going to demand new ones later, but she was tired and didn't care.

''BRING YOUR TRASH TO ME!'' Bakugo yelled as he chased after Mineta. Y/n almost wanted to laugh at his expression, but she remembered she was technically supposed to be mad at him, so she kept quiet.

''In any case, we do have the green light from Mr. Aizawa . . .'' Momo said as she combed through her hair. Y/n made a mental note to call Mirko later, to check if she would take her in for her internship.


She looked up, startled at the gruff voice. Bakugo stood behind the couch, his expression more relaxed now. His eyes moved between her and the rest of the girls. Did he want to talk? Apologize, maybe? Confess? She spoke. ''What?''

''Are you done with that?'' Bakugo pointed at the bag of chips and Y/n almost let her jaw drop. She felt the girls' eyes on her. She couldn't react here, not now. She had to play it cool.

''Yeah.'' She wasn't, but she needed an out. ''I'm actually going to bed. Here.'' She threw the almost empty chips bag in the trash bag Bakugo was holding and stood up, waving bye to the girls and walking away, not sparing Bakugo a look.

''What the hell did you do to her?'' Y/n had just rounded the corner when she heard Mina speak and she stopped, her ears perking up. She pressed her back to the wall and waited.

''Yeah, I haven't seen you guys talk in a while, ribbit,'' Tsuyu said.

''None of your damn business!'' Bakugo yelled out and she heard his stomps coming in her direction. Activating her Quirk, she quickly ran over to the stairs and up to her room. She deactivated it when she was properly locked in, trying to take a proper breath.

The week ended with the announcement that only some people will be allowed to partake in internships, on the condition that the hero they would intern with is safe enough to take in first-years. Of course, Mirko was trilled at the news.

''HELL YEAH! I've got you covered, Sonic, no need to worry. I'm sure Aizawa and the rest would be all good. Can't wait to patrol with ya again!''

Bakugo and Todoroki still had to earn their provisional licenses, which they did every weekend. Y/n would usually send them off — mostly Bakugo — but today she just watched from her window as the two boys walked out. Bakugo stopped for a moment and looked back, up at her window. Y/n ducked, but she was pretty sure he'd seen her watching. Ah, well.

speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now