65 | i swear i won't cut katsuki in two

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After being assigned another job — helping a woman with fixing the wheel of her baby stroller — Y/n returned back to the house, her eyes falling on Bakugo on the porch. He wasn't even wearing his hero costume this time, opting for his usual black top and pants. He was still reading his guidebook and had a popsicle in his hand. He wasn't paying attention to them, though. He was leaning on a wall, staring beyond at something or someone. He's definitely eavesdropping.

Walking over, Y/n grabbed his almost melted popsicle out of his hand, taking a lick. Bakugo's head snapped at that, his eyes wide. Y/n frowned. ''I don't like this flavor. Why'd you pick it?''

'''Cause I like it, loser.'' Bakugo rolled his eyes and kicked off the wall. ''Your job go well?''

''Yeah, it was an easy fix.'' Y/n took another lick of the popsicle. ''Your lack of work go well as well?''

''Tch, you know someone has to be here at all times!'' Bakugo reminded her as the two headed back inside. Y/n noticed how empty the building was.

Y/n looked him up and down. ''So you're prepared to take on a potential villain without even being in your hero costume?'' She quirked her eyebrow at him.

''I just took a shower, I was just about to change.'' Bakugo opened front door, letting her enter.

''Mhm, sure.'' Y/n turned to face him, walking backwards. ''It seemed to me like you were eavesdropping. Share the gossip?''

Bakugo put his guidebook on the table as Y/n leaned on it, watching Bakugo intently. ''Nothing. Last night these two brats lied to us about there being a villain. One of them has an illusion Quirk and apparently really hates heroes, so she thought it'd be funny. Her brother came to apologize to Deku.''

''Huh, really? I mean, I guess you didn't have a boring night.'' Y/n said as she handed Bakugo his popsicle back. ''Go change, Katsuki. In case any real villains show up.''

Bakugo rolled his eyes. ''Sure.''

Y/n watched him walk off, the corners of her mouth lifting up as she yelled, ''You look really good in that tank-top, by the way!''

''I fuckin' know, that's why I wore it!''

Y/n chuckled and turned to look back at one of the computers. There were no pending commissions at the moment and she noticed Uraraka was supposed to be back any moment now, so she decided to go to the bathroom.

Once back, Bakugo was already walking back into the main area, already in his costume — Y/n wasn't sure how he'd changed so fast — rubbing his head. A phone was ringing and no one else was in the room. Hadn't Uraraka come back?

Bakugo walked over and picked it up. ''What is it? If it's some lame job—''

Y/n was about to scold him for starting a conversation like that when the person on the other line spoke. ''VILLAINS APPEARED AT THE FISHING HARBOR!'' the girl's voice was so loud that Y/n heard it even from the side. Bakugo flinched, putting the phone away from his ear.

''That voice . . .'' Bakugo's eyes widened in recognition. He put the phone back to his ear. ''You're the damn kid from yesterday, aren't you? Don't think that you can keep tricking us—''

Midoriya walked in at the same time. He and Y/n shared a look; Y/n furrowed her brows.

''I'm not lying, Bakugo—''

Midoriya rushed over, grabbing the phone from Bakugo. ''Hi, Deku here!''

''Bastard,'' Bakugo grumbled.

''At the fishing harbor—'' Y/n heard the three beeps after the call ended. Her heart sank.

Midoriya looked at Bakugo as he put the phone away from his ear. ''What did Mahoro say?''

speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now