Chapter Two: Jealous

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Su'lee POV

I was just sitting in my room thinking about what I was going to perform to tonight. Ace told me he had a lot of important people coming in the club tonight so he needed me to dance. I changed my hair color to blonde because it made me look more exotic. I could hear my grandmother singing old church songs in the kitchen. It was really time for me to get my own place. My sister could stay here and take care of grandma.

"Lee bring your ass down here" grandma Mae yelled upstairs. I hated when she called me Lee. I hope she wasn't trying to talk to me about finding a good christian man cause I don't have time for that shit. I got up and went down to see what it was she wanted. When I got in the kitchen my Aunt Sarah was sitting there with her so I knew that this was about money.

My Aunt Sarah was the crack head that got my mom strung out. I really didn't have to much to say to her but I would let her amuse me. "Hey Su'lee how you been? You look beautiful as always" my Aunt Sarah said. I just smiled and waited for the real reason she was here. "Ya Auntie want money. I told I was broke but maybe she could ask you being your a big time dancer" grandma Mae said.

"Well Aunt Sarah I don't have a dime. Maybe you could come by the club tonight and I can give you a little something" I said getting up to go. I needed to get some rest before I headed to work. I walked out of the kitchen not waiting on her to respond. If she came for the money I would give it to her just so I don't have to keep seeing her face. As I was going up the stairs Su'Mae walked in with her "friend" Kevin from school. He was a fine little chocolate thing and very fit. He played football at the college. I knew she liked him more than a friend but she would never show it.

"Heads up your Aunt Sarah is here begging for money again" I said to her. She just rolled her eyes up in her head and her and Kevin went back out the door. Su'Mae would never forgive my Aunt for turning my mother into a junkie. She hated her and she always let her know it every chance she got.

I laid down to get some rest before I had to leave for the club. I knew I had to be on point for the ballers that Ace said would be there tonight. I let the smooth sound of Jhene Aiko put me to sleep.

Su'Mae POV

Sarah is never anyone that I want to see and I didn't want to get into it with her in front of Kevin. He is someone that I have become very fond of and I would hate for him to see me act out of character. I was so in my thoughts I forgot all about Kevin.

"Hello you there? What do want to do tonight" he asked me. "I told my sister last night I would come to the club and see her perform tonight. We have something important to do after. You could come with me if you wanted" I said. Now most girls would say why would you take a guy that you like to a strip club with a bunch of beautiful women. I'm not the least bit worried because I know that Kevin isn't into those type of chicks.

"Ok I will meet you there at midnight" he said kissing me before he got in his car and left. I went back in the house and straight upstairs trying to avoid my aunt. I know my grandma gets upset when we argue so I do my best to just keep my distance. I walked past Su'lee's room and she was sleep so I went in the room to take a nap myself.

I got in my bed and opened my laptop to look up more rehab clinics that were out of state. We wanted to convince our mother to go to rehab in Florida. I think if she got out of the city she would be Ok. I fell asleep doing research. Its cool cause I wanted to look great for Kevin tonight.


Lauren was giving me the best head that I have had in a long time. She was one of my little side jawns. She was cute and petite. She went to the same college as Su'Mae. Now I know it's fucked up that I'm fucking around on Su'lee but she just one of those high maintenance ass bitches. Everything with her is about money. Lauren is just happy to be affiliated with a nigga like me.

Yeah Su'lee is one of my top money makers at the club cause she has that exotic sex appeal to her. She knows how to make men think they have a chance at fucking her. She knows how to make sex ooz from her body to get all of a mans money. She just sexy and her body is bad as hell. I wish she could get her sister to be down to dance with her cause both of them would bring in hella profit.

Su'Mae is sexy to me in ways that Su'lee isn't. She has brains and beauty. She knows that she is sexy as hell but it doesn't matter to her. I love the way she doesn't use her body and her looks to get what she wants. See Su'lee is fuck around with material, but Su'Mae is the kind of girl you make your wife. She the type you want to have babies with and settle down.

I have been thinking about Su'Mae a lot lately. I think she is the only female to ever turn me down. She's just not interested in me or how much money I have and I think that's what makes me want her more. See I'm not that type of guy that gets turned down by women. She kinda bruised my ego by giving me the cold shoulder. I need to talk to her and show her that I'm not a bad guy.
People look at the type of business that I am into and just assume I'm a bad guy. What people don't know about me is that I am very educated. I got my Master's Degree in Business and Accounting. I aint nobody's dummy I just choose to get fast money. I think. That's why I'm so interested in Su'Mae because of her mind. She is so intelligent and I think that there is nothing more sexier on God's green earth than a beautiful smart woman.

Su'lee told me that her sister was coming to the club tonight with a friend, so she asked me to set them up in a VIP section. I'm gonna try to get to know Su'Mae better. I don't know how Su'lee is gonna feel but I could care less. Tonight I'm gonna lay my mack down.

Su'lee POV

My alarm was going off and someone was knocking on the door. I turned the alarm off and laid there for a few minutes. Su'Mae just walked in my room looking so gorgeous. She had her hair done in a burgundy bob and she had on this sexy backless body con dress. This bitch was always trying to compete with me. I loved my sister but I know she is jealous of me and all the attention I get. I think she secretly likes Ace too.

I got up to hop in the shower real quick. I heard Su'Mae playing Feeling Myself by Nicki Minaj and Beyonce. She always knows how to get me turnt before I get to the club. I got out of the shower and got ready. I put on my sexy lingeria and coat to go. I road with my sister to the club. I planned on leaving with Ace tonight. I can't wait to hit that stage.

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