Chapter 8: You Will Learn Pt. 2

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Peaches POV

I'm sitting at the doctor's office with Danny and Su'lee and it feels very weird to be here with her. Fore god sakes I'm pregnant by her ex man. I don't know if she knows or not but I hope she doesn't hate. I can tell that her and Danny are really serious and I would never want to be the reason they don't work out. I know her and Danny had something back in the day and the way that they act it's like they never separated. I want to have that same kind of love with a man one day. I actually thought I had found that with Ace at one time but I was wrong.

It's good to see Danny finally happy cause he deserves it. He has always done so much for everyone and put everyone's happiness before his own. Su'lee looks really happy and in love to. I know she's not with Danny for the money cause she has her own. Danny got up to take a call so I took this as my chance to talk to Su'lee. I moved over in the chair next to her and she gave me a warm smile. "I already know that your having Ace's baby. You don't have to apologize about anything because I know the type of man Ace is. I'm just mad it took me so long to realize it" she said to me. Tears began to fall from my eyes because her I was believing that she was this ruthless person like Ace said and she wasn't.

As a woman in her line of work I guess you have to be tough so you don't get walk over on. "Su'lee I wish we could have met on better circumstances, but I'm happy my cousin Danny has you and you have him. If I hurt you I'm sorry and I hope you can fore give me. Ace always told me you guys were just business partners and nothing more. I should have known better tho. If I would have known than that Ace would have turnt me out on drugs just to prositute me I would have never dealt with him" I said still a little emotional. "What a second Ace got you hooked on drugs? That low down dirty bastard" she said clearly upset. She didn't know all the things Ace was into.

"Yes he did. He also had this beautiful Chinese lady named Ming Lee working for him too. You know now that I look at you close up you kind of favor her" I said. All of a sudden Su'lee's face went cold and blank. Her eyes were felt with rage and anger. I didn't know if it was something said but I got kind of afraid. "Su'lee are you Ok?" I asked her. "The woman Ming Lee you said Ace had working for him is my mother. He knew that was my mother. That no good motherfucker!" she said. Oh my God what have I done. She got up and stormed out pass Danny. I didn't know and hope she doesn't do any thing crazy.

"What the hell did I miss?" Danny asked me. "I just mentioned that Ace use to have a Chinese lady name Ming Lee hooking for him and she said that was her mother. Danny I'm sorry I didn't know" I said. Danny just shook his head and before he could say anything we were being called to the back. Please God don't let her do something crazy.

Candace POV

I know that Su'lee and her sister was up to something because why would Su'Mae come talk to Ace when she couldn't stand him. I was outside smoking a blunt when a red Audi with tinted windows pulled up. The driver side door opened and out stepped Angel. I didn't really care for her too much cause I knew her and Su'lee were besties. Plus the bitch had a nasty attitude. "You just the bish I wanted to see" she said in her heavy accent. I rolled my eyes and put my blunt out. "What you looking for me for? We ain't cool bitch nor do we have anything to discuss" I said giving her just as much attitude. If this bitch thought for one second she was gonna intimidate me she had another thing coming.

"Look bish you better watch ya mouf. You ain't nothing but a little home wrecking little bish that can't keep her beef suckers off other peoples man. That's why Ace got that little crackhead prositute Peaches pregnant bish" she said with this evil grin on her face. Everything just started spinning and I felt like I couldn't breath. I didn't know if this bitch was lying or not, but now it all started to make sense. Is that why is was searching so hard for Peaches? I had to pull it together cause couldn't let this bitch see she had got to me. I was about to say something when the bitch just socked me in the face. I hit the ground hard and that's when she started kicking me relentlessly. She kneeled down close to me and said "Bish you will learn to stop touching things that don't belong to you. There will be more to come."

She got back in her car and pulled off leaving me in that parking lot bleeding. I found the strength to get up and go back in the club. I went and got my 9mm out of my locker and headed straight to Ace's office. When I got to the door I opened it ready to fire on him, but he was no where to be found. I just sat in a chair and cried. I was so tired of all the things Ace has put me thru. My family disowned me because of him and all he did was lie cheat and scheme. I was going find Ace and when I did I was going to kill him.

August POV

I was heading in the doctor's office when I ran into the girl I had met at the coffee shop. She looked upset so I stopped her. "Hey you are you Ok?" I said. She stopped and looked at me and just broke out in tears. "Look August right now is not the time. I need to go meet my sister and I just remembered I drove here with my boyfriend and his cousin. I really ain't in the mood" she said drying her tears. I was shocked she remembered my name. "Look I can drop you off if you like" I said. She just looked at me and declined. I was about to say something when this guy and girl came out asking her if she was Ok. I just figured that was her man she was talking bout earlier. I took that as my clue to go and went inside.

She was so interesting to me. Every time I ran into her she just seemed to have so much going on. I hoped everything with her would get better. I waited for my girlfriend Cassie. She was a nurse here and I was coming to take her to lunch. That girl was still on my mind and I was so wrapped up in my thoughts of her that I didn't even notice Cassie standing in front of me. I stood and kissed her and we headed towards the door. We went to Sylvia's for lunch cause they had the best soul food.

We were heading to our table when I saw the girl again but something was different her hair color had changed. I told Cassie I was going to say hello to a friend. "Hey you went from being upset to having a new hair color" I said sitting down. She looked up at me confused. "Sorry do I know you" she said taking off her glasses. "Yes it's me August I just saw you" I said. She shook her head and smiled like she knew something I didn't. "You must know my twin sister Su'lee. I'm Su'Mae sorry for the inconvenience but you have the wrong sister" she said. I just sat there in shock they looked identical. "No need to apologize I didn't know. Well my girlfriend is waiting on me so enjoy the rest of your lunch" I said. Something about her was so different from her sister. I was very much in awe of her. She seemed more like the softer calmer sister. I sat at the table with Cassie sneaking looks at her from time to time. I wanted to know more about her and I was going to find out.

Here is another quick little update my luvs. I promise that I will make the next chapter a lot longer. Please comment let me know what you think. Continue to read and vote. Shit bout to start getting crazy.

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