Chapter 2

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Shredder's deep angry voice snapped Leo out of his thoughts "Leonardo it's so nice to see you I see you've noticed your new gear how do you like it?" Leo looked at Shredder and yelled "I will never serve you, even if you put me in foot gear it won't make me join you so just forget it Shredder!"

All Leo received was a laugh from his enemy, Shredder then stood up and said "You will serve because your so called family's lives are on the line, so if you refuse to be my slave then I'll make you watch as I kill your brothers."

Leo hesitated but he could tell Shredder wasn't lying so he lowered his head and spoke "I'll do whatever you want as long as you leave my family and friends alone for good!" The Shredder sat back on his throne and said "Excellent Karai take my new slave to his room and later we will see what he can do."

With that Leo stood the soldiers pulled the rope and followed Karai down a dark hallway. When they made it to the only red door they stopped, Karai opened the door and threw Leo into the small room the soldier removed the choker and closed the door.

Leo found a small lamp and turned it one there was a small bed in to a corner of the room it had red and black sheets. The floor was black tile and the walls were red, on the back of the door was a foot symbol.

Leo let out a small sigh thinking of what his brothers were doing, mikey was probably being chased by Raph because he pulled a prank on him and Don was probably in his lab working on whatever he does.

Meanwhile in the turtle lair, Mikey was crying his eyes out on Raph's shoulder as Donnie tried to track Leo's t-phone, when he found a signal he sent the directions along with a complete lay out of the building to his t-phone.

He stumbled out of his lab screaming "Raph, Mikey I found Leo he is in the foot hideout he is still alive but I'm afraid of what they are doing to him!" Mikey's eyes lit up and he asked "D can't you hack into the security cameras so we can see what is happening?"

Donnie nodded and ran back into his lab with Raph and Mikey hot in his heels, he plopped down into his swivel chair and began typing on is keyboard. Once he was in he searched every room until he found the one he was looking for.

On the screen it showed a small bedroom like room and on the bed sat their older brother but his gear was replaced by gear that the foot wore and his eyes were crimson not ocean blue. He was just sitting there staring at the floor when the door swung open and Karai and 2 soldiers stepped in. The 2 soldiers walked over to Leo one placed a chocker around his neck and the other one pulled the rope dragging Leo to his feet.

Leo tried to fight but failed when both soldiers and Karai pulled the rope, his brothers watched the screen as Leo was pulled down a long hallway and was soon thrown into a dojo with the foot symbol everywhere.

They removed the chocker and Leo stood, Shredder stepped out of the shadows holding 2 black katanas he tossed them to Leo and said "Leonardo use those to defeat the foot bots and I'll fix your flaws, understand my slave?"

Leo didn't answer he just picked up the swords and glared at Shredder, before anyone could react Leo jumped at Shredder cutting his arm and leg.

Leo quickly put distance between him and Shredder knowing what he did could cost his life, but he didn't care as long as he could get Shredder down. Leo leaped again but this time Shredder saw it coming and kicked Leo in the chest which knocked the breath it of him.

Leo stumbled backwards gasping for air, he saw Shredder coming at him so he moved just in time to kick the evil man in between his shoulder blades. They both straightened back up and glared at each other with anger written on Leo's face.

Shredder charged and before Leo could move he was pinned to the ground by the retractable blade on Shredder's wrist, Leo cried out in pain as Shredder began to twist blade deeper into his soft flesh.

Shredder yanked the blood covered blade out of the helpless turtles shoulder receiving a pained gasp. Some soldiers walked over to Leo and pulled him to his knees so the turtle was kneeling before his enemy.

As blood dripped from his shoulder Leo got angrier, he jumped to his feet and rushed at Shredder with his new katana held out, he let out a battle cry and sliced Shredder's already wounded arm even more and kicked his head making his helmet fly across the room smashing against the wall leaving a dent.

His brothers watched The screen in horror as Shredder beat their brother his screams echoed throughout Donnie's lab making them all jump. On the screen Leo was covered in blood...his blood he held up his hand pleading Shredder to stop but it was no use because he just kept on punching an kicking the injured turtle.

When the beating came to a end the older turtle was shaking violently and surrounded by puddles of his blood. The soldiers walked over to Leo and lifted him up and placed the chocker back on his neck and drug him away.

Don turned off the screen unwilling to watch their brother be beaten anymore, Mikey had his head press against Raph's neck sobbing and Raph had pain in his eyes.

Meanwhile in Leo's new room, he laid upon the soft mattress it felt like a cloud. In his dream he was being beaten in front of his little brothers.

Before they could rush to help him they each got their throats slit and lay dead as blood gushed from their throats, Raph managed to say one last thing "T-This I-s y-your f-fault le-leo."

Leo's eyes snapped open he was drenched in sweat his heart was beating so fast as if it were to jump out of his chest. His eyes swept the room he was in Shredder's lair in the bedroom he now had being his enemies slave.

Every movement he took he winced he stood up and looked in his mirror his face was bruised, his shoulder was wrapped but blood seeped through the fabric, he had cuts and bruises covering his arms, legs, and cuts on his plastron.

The only thing Leo wanted was to see his brothers one last time to see their smiles, hear their laughs but he knew they would probably love the life without him. He walked over to his window that was bolted shut so he couldn't escape he looked in the direction of the lair and sighed.

"If I want to get out of here then I will have to be obedient no matter how much I wish not to but if that's the only way I will," said Leo in his head then he went to his bed and fell asleep afraid to see what the Shredder had in stock for tomorrow.

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