Chapter 10

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Baxter's lab:

Shredder more toward Blade trying to make him back up but the turtle stood tall, Stockman still cowered behind the strong turtle keeping his distance from the Shredder. The armored man spoke "Blade you disobeyed Tiger Claw, and Me why?"

The turtle answered "Last I checked I was second in command now and I only disobeyed because you would have made a big mistake." Blade put his hand behind him and motioned for Baxter to hide behind his desk.

Shredder didn't like this answer so he stepped forward and grabbed Blade by his neck lifting him off the ground. They black banded turtle didn't seem affected by this he only glared at the armored man enough that his gaze could melt steel.

Oroku Saki only tightened his hold on the turtle's neck lifting him higher in the air, his face was beginning to turn a darker green. The Shredder didn't seem to be letting up anytime soon so Blade did the only thing he could...he kicked the armored man in the chest.

The turtle kicked hard and fast causing the man to loosen his grip just enough for Blade to pry Oroku Saki's hand off his neck. The turtle back flipped quickly put some distance between him and the Shredder, the armored man spoke "Very good Blade...just watch your tone."

Blade didn't nod but didn't refuse either, Baxter watched as Shredder left the turtle still in his crouched position. Stockman rushed over to the black banded turtle and quickly asked "Blade are you ok?!"

Said turtle looked up at the scientist in front of him and said "Yea *pant* I'm *pant* just *pant* peachy." Baxter rolled his eyes and helped the turtle to his feet, when Blade finally caught his breath the scientist asked "Why?"

Blade looked at Stockman confused "Why what?" Baxter walked over to his desk and sat in his chair before answering "Why did you protect me after all I did to you and your know trying to destroy you." Blade walked over to Stockman and kneeled in front of him coming eye to eye.

"Because you are a good man you just need someone to help steer you in the right direction...*sigh* listen Baxter you and me are going to be free and I'll do everything in my power to get us out ok?" The scientist looked at Blade's crimson eyes they held nothing but the truth he was going to help and he meant it.

The scientist smiled at the turtle only to have him return it just as warm and care filled. They left the lab but not before Blade looked in the direction of the cameras and had a kinda sad yet strong emotion swimming through his eyes.

He soon followed Stockman out of the lab...he would have to face Shredder again maybe it won't be to bad...he'll just have to wait and see.

Turtle lair (Don's lab):

They watched the screen Leo and Baxter didn't move but Shredder stepped closer, Stockman flinched some but Leo stood still. Their brother standing up to the Shredder just to protect Stickman, the Shredder soon asked "Blade you disobeyed Tiger Claw, and Me why?"

Leonardo answered "Last I checked I was second in command now and I only disobeyed because you would have made a big mistake." Leo put his hand behind him and motioned for Baxter to hide behind his desk.

Once the scientist was behind his desk in the clear Oroku Saki advanced on Leo grabbing his neck and lifting him off the ground some, Donnie wasn't even the one being chocked and he still gulped but Leo no he didn't even react only glared.

A few moments past and Raph was boiling over with rage, Leo's face began to darken Raph and Donnie knew what was happening but Miley wasn't completely sure so Don explained "He's chocking Leo which now his face is darkening because of the lack of oxygen...needless to say if Leo doesn't get oxygen soon he will pass out."

Just as he said that Leonardo jumped to action, he kicked Shredder over and over with kicks. Oroku Saki's grip loosened due to the kicks letting Leo get away. The three younger turtles watched as Leo did an amazing flip slowly turning landing perfectly in a crouch.

His brothers never knew how flexible he really was Mikey wasn't the only one who could flip, twist, and turn without pulling something. Shredder spoke "Very good Blade....just watch your tone." Leo didn't nod or refuse so Oroku Saki left, once out of sight Baxter rushed to Leo's side asking if he was ok.

"Yea *pant* I'm *pant* just *pant* peachy." Stickman soon asked "Why?" Of course everyone was confused well until he spoke again, "Why did you protect me after all I did to you and your know trying to destroy you?"

Leo walked over to the now sitting scientist and kneeled so they were eye to eye, "Because you are a good man you just need someone to help steer you in the right direction...*sigh* listen Baxter you and me are going to be free and I'll do everything in my power to get us out ok?"

The younger turtles knew that voice...that was the voice of their caring brother only when he meant something and Baxter knew it to. Dexter smiled at Leo and he gladly returned it just as warm, they got walked over to the lab exit about to leave.

Before Leo walked through the door he turned to the camera that Donnie had hacked into and had a strange gaze, it was kinda like he was torn in two directions one was on the pity side and the other was one the power side.

He felt pity because he saw the human side of Baxter but he also felt power because he stood up to the Shredder....after a few moments Leo turned and walked out of the lab.

The turtles knew that Leo had to face the Shredder again, they just hoped that he doesn't hurt Leo to bad because they can't help 1: Splinter won't let them leave the lair and without Leo they can't juts sneak out and 2: Leo doesn't wait nor need the help and if they did help and ended up getting hurt Leo wouldn't be able to live with himself.

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