Chapter 13

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Shredders lair (Blade POV):

I walked through the dark halls...don't they know that there are more colors than red and black sheesh. Anyway I walked through the halls heading back to the dojo when I heard laughing it was getting closer, I used my ninja skills and hide in the shadows.

Which was easy because everything is BLACK!! Sorry I had a moment lets forget that happened no ok, soon the laugher grew closer to where the figures were right beside me. Tiger Claw, Bradford, and Xever were laughing but Karai (yea she was there) was quiet.

They pasted by heading to the throne room I think so I followed, they turned down the hall where the bed rooms are but Karai continued to the throne room. The mutants disappeared in the darkness of the hallway (BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS BLACK) and Karai walked through the double doors.

I waited a few minutes before walking in the throne room, Karai was kneeling before her father and Shredder looked uninterested. They both seemed shocked by my sudden appearance, Karai more than Shredder.

She stood and asked "Blade what are you doing here?" I spoke "Just came to see is training was still on since no one was in the dojo." Shredder stood and said "It's late and I'm sure the others are asleep rest Blade and training will resume in the morning."

I nodded and walked out like a normal person...well mutant, but when I was away from the door just enough so they couldn't hear me I took off hurrying to my room.

With the mutants in Baxter's lab:

They burst through the door causing the human scientist to jump in surprise, Tiger Claw spoke "Stockman!" Baxter cowered under the mutant's glare and asked "Y-yes," he really wished Blade would help.

The mutant tiger spoke "You are to make a poison for Blade." Stockman's eyes widened he couldn't betray Blade the turtle saved his life and promised to get him out of the Shredder's grasp.

Xever could see it in Baxter's eyes...he wasn't going to do it, so he spoke "You either make the poison or we turn you mutant again." That caught Stockman's attention, Baxter began to think he could make a poison that only lasts a few hours just to let them enjoy their victory.

So the small scientist nodded and said "Fine I'll give you a poison but you'll have to find away to get it into him." The mutants began to think, Tiger Claw soon spoke "Do you know of any weaknesses of a type of metal?" The scientist involuntarily nodded and said "Copper," after that left his lips he covered his mouth.

The mutant tiger smirked and said "Thank you Stockman," then they left leaving Baxter alone to think of what he just did.

With the turtles:

They changed the camera to the throne room just as Leo walked out so they went back to the dojo only to find the mutants leaving (no one wants to play with soon sorry) so they changed the camera back to the throne room, but only Karai entered so Donnie began to search for the mutants.

They ended up in Dexter's lab right when the mutants burst in, Tiger Claw spoke "Stockman!" Stickman cowered under the mutant's glare and asked "Y-yes," Raph could tell he wanted Leo to save him again.

The mutant tiger spoke "You are to make a poison for Blade," the younger turtles were really tired of this Blade crap his name is LEONARDO! Fishface spoke "You either make the poison or we turn you mutant again."

The small scientist nodded and said "Fine I'll give you a poison but you'll have to find away to get it into him," Tiger Claw, Fishface, and Rahzar began to think...moments pasted before the tiger asked "Do you know of any weaknesses of a type of metal?"

Dexter answered absentmindedly "Copper," with that said the mutants smirked, Tiger Claw thanked Stickman and they left. He just gave away the one thing Leo didn't need right now...his weakness.

With Blade (his POV):

I stood inside my you guessed it BLACK room panting because I ran all the way from the throne room to my bedroom which is like a mile full speed...just give me a sec whooo...whooo...ok now I'm good.

Anyway I ran all the way here even though I'm tired I just had to get away from that door, I really need to sleep like I need rest now or tomorrow I will literally fall over...I know I sleep last night but today feels like it's gone on for five days. (ha see what I did well the same day took 5 chapters so it felt like 5 days)

But anyway I'm just gonna plop down on my bed and sleep because I'm judge me I'm tired you would be too, I'm going crazy I'm talking to my self...or am I *dun dun da* yep I've lost my mind.

With Baxter (Stockman's POV):

As I made the poison for Blade I felt nothing but guilt I betrayed him, he would understand...right I hope so because that's the last thing I need, is a angry turtle on my tail. Anyway the poison consists of benzylparaben, trans-cinnamic acid, sulfamethoxazole, acesulfame K, and Cupremnictiyermumtica dust.

Or in a easier way of saying it water based drug, fragrance, antibiotic drug, artificial sweetener, and copper dust nothing to dangerous well the copper dust but everything else no just big words make them seem dangerous.

With the turtles (Dons POV):

I smirked as I watched Dexter pour the chemicals in the so called 'poison' Raph must have noticed me smirking and asked "What's with ya Don?" I turned around in my swivel chair and said "He is only using benzylparaben, trans-cinnamic acid, sulfamethoxazole, acesulfame K, and Cupremnictiyermumtica dust."

Both Mikey and Raph stared at me like I spoke a foreign language so I 'dumbed it down' "A water based drug, fragrance, antibiotic drug, artificial sweetener, and copper dust." They both said "Ohhhhh." And I said "Yeaaaaaaa."

I'm kinda surprised Mikey understood that o well I knew Stickman wouldn't hurt Leo the only thing to hurt him is the copper dust but he didn't put enough to kill him only to make him pass out...I hope.

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