Chapter 16

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After Karai left Blade turned back to Baxter with pain in his eyes, Baxter was confused then remembered the copper he out in the 'poison'. The scientist spoke "Sorry about the copper...." Blade cut him off by saying "It's fine...*grits teeth due to the pain*"

That just made Stockman fell worse so he went over to his desk and began mixing chemicals to dissolve the copper dust, Blade watched Baxter with a strong gaze as the scientist moved swiftly...grabbing vial after vial.

After a few moments of watching Stockman...the scientist finished and approached the dark banded turtle with the sharp syringe, Blade backed up glaring at Baxter making him cower some...but his steps never faltered.

When he was about a foot away from Blade, the turtle spoke "Stockman what are you doing ," Blade flinched in pain since he still had the copper dust in his bloodstream. Baxter finally spoke "Sorry but this will dissolve the copper making the pain go away."

Blade hesitated but moved closer to Stockman letting him inject the liquid into his neck so it would enter his bloodstream destroying the copper.

With the turtles (Raph's POV):

After Karai left probably to go talk to Shredder Don spoke "Guys...umm...well..." I grew impatient "Spit it out already Donnie," then he continued "Before I went to bed last night I was just watching the screen thinking...and well Karai went to Leo's room and...kissed him."

Mine and Mikey's eyes widened...she k-kissed him!! Donnie turned back to his computer and pulled up a video file, when he pressed play it showed Leo sleeping peacefully in his bed. Then a small knock came from the door...Leo got up fixed his gear and opened the door, low and behold there stood Karai.

She looked nervous...that's when it happened...she leaned forward and kissed Leo I could tell he was shocked and confused, but before he could say anything she broke away and ran leavening Leo to comprehend what happened.

Don closed the file and turned back to us I could tell he was shocked but there was something else in his eyes...blackmail. I smiled deviously and said "Looks like we have some dirt on our fearless leader." Mikey and Donnie nodded at this.

We turned back to the screen only to see Leo and Karai enter Stickman's lab...Leo yelled "Stockman," he sounded just like Shredder! Dexter jumped 10 feet in the air and looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

Stickman gasped out " that!" Making me and my brothers smile, Leo spoke "That's for giving up my weakness it was hilarious." Dexter glared at Leo which made him and me smile even bigger.

Karai asked "Blade why did you come down here anyway?" Leo turned to her and said "Just to do that to Stockman then to just talk...?" She nodded and said "Well I'm going to go have a word with my father about what Tiger Claw did."

Leonardo and Stockman watched as she left...once she was gone Leo turned to Stickman I could see the pain in his eyes at first I was confused so we're my brothers but then D-Baxter spoke "Sorry about the copper...." Leo cut him off "It's fine...," he gritted his teeth...I couldn't imagine what pain Leo was going through.

Stickman rushed over to his desk running around poring and mixing things...minutes went by Leo was still in pain making me feel terrible that I couldn't help him, Dexter walked over to Leo with a syringe I clenched me fists and gritted my teeth I he hurt Leo I would personally make him pay.

While I was blinded by anger I missed the conversion between Leo and Stickman I only saw the scientist inject something into Leo's neck...that's when Donnie spoke "Calm down Raph it will help Leo by destroying the copper."

I took deep breaths to calm down which finally worked....then I watched the screen.

With Shredder (his POV):

I was sitting in my throne lost in my own world...I was snapped out of my thoughts when Karai my daughter entered, she kneeled and spoke "Master Tiger Claw tried to poison Blade."

My eyes widened...I felt my anger build up and spoke "Get Tiger Claw then leave." She nodded and left soon returning with Tiger Claw, I motioned for her to leave so I could 'talk' to the mutant tiger.

Once I knew she was out of ears reach I spoke "I've heard you tired to kill Blade Tiger Claw." He gulped and nodded making my anger grow more unstable. I stood and walked over to his kneeling form...drawing my blade making him flinch.

Placing my blade under his chin lifting it so he can see my face I say "If you wish to harm someone do it right." He looks confused...I withdraw my blade from his chin and say "I want you to call in an order of copper weapons just in case Blade disobeys or try's to run, understand?"

He nodded but before he left I spoke again "The weapons are only to be used if he does try to run or disobey no other reason." He nodded and left with a bow...I don't like doing this to Blade he is loyal and a born wonder he was the leader of the Hamato clan.

For some reason...when Blade is around my heart is warm...he is like the son I never had, well now I have him and I won't let anything or anyone hurt him. Don't worry Blade you are my son now.

With Blade (his POV):

Ok the antidote worked the pain went away and my inter dragon is glad he is no longer in pain, Baxter is at his desk thinking about something...I look to the camera and just know my brothers are watching. I can only imagine what Raph was doing when Stockman injected me with the antidote.

Anyway the antidote worked I'm no longer in pain but I will have to stay on my toes....I have a feeling that's not the last time they try to kill me. I only have one thing to say to my brothers...'Please just don't watch.'

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