Chapter 9

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Blade nodded and said "Ok Baxter I believe you...but if you are lying I will pull off your wings and stuff them down both your mouths!" The fly nodded and said "Ok...w-wait you s-s-said my name-e-e right-t."

The turtle nodded and said "My plan is to escape while patrolling in 5 days." The fly man nodded and said "I can see power in your eyes something strong lives within you no wonder you have incredible speed,strength, and other skills." Blade was confused so the scientist explained.

"I can give you a medicine that can help awaken your beast you would be able to control your transformation and beat the Shredder once and for all freeing me and your family." The turtle nodded and let him give him the medicine he felt burning pain within his body his thoughts were transformed to a vision.

(Vision is in italics) Everything was dark, in the distance his ocean blue eyes could see a bright white light moving closer. From the beautiful light stepped out a marvelous white dragon with blue symbols on its body.

The dragons crystal eyes were gorgeous, Leo was shocked. The dragon smiled and he said "Hello Leonardo, I am your dragon form...but you may call me Burūpurotekutā," his voice was like silk. Leo looked into the dragons eyes and said "Blue Protector...your name means Blue Protector!"

The dragon nodded and said "When you need me just call I will always come to your aid this chemical solution has brought me my speed, I will help you Leonardo because we are they same."

The world faded in and the turtle realized he was on the ground the fly hovering over him, Blade sat up and groaned. Stockman asked "W-What happened-d-d-d?" The turtle stood and said "I met that power you were talking about I'll have you out of here in no time Baxter plus I know how to make retro mutagen you will be your old self in no time."

The fly nodded and began working on Shredder's weapons while Leo worked on the retro mutagen. Once both of them finished Leo gave the retro mutagen to Stockman and the mutant humanoid fly gave Blade Shredder's improved weapon.

Stockman poured the orange liquid on his head, he fell to his knees as the retro mutagen reversed the mutagen affects. Within seconds Baxter Stockman was back to him old human self he hugged the turtle and thanked him.

Stockman realized that he still had the looping video on so he pressed the button making it glitch like a time skip.

With Shredder:

The armored man watched the screen as Stockman working something about it was off but he couldn't figure out what it was, suddenly the screen went black and flashed to a new scene where Blade held the weapon and Stockman was...human?!

With the turtles:

As they watched Donnie spoke "Watch Dexter," his brothers watched and noticed he did the same thing over and over again Mikey spoke, "It's like he's on loop!" Raph smacked him on the back of the head and said "Because he is on loop shell fer brains!"

The screen flashed black then to normal, Leo held the weapon and Stockman was....human?!

Shredder's lair (Stockman's lab):

The doors flew open to the lab making Baxter jump, Tiger Claw, Bradford, Xever, Karai, and The Shredder all stomped in heading for the black banded turtle and small scientist. Baxter cowered behind Blade trying to keep distance between him and the evil man.

Shredder's deep voice rang throughout the lab making the small scientist flinch "Stockman what happened here!?" Baxter did answer so the armored man motioned for the humanoid tiger to grab the shaking genius.

When Tiger Claw was about to grab Baxter the black banded turtle stepped further in front of the now human scientist...the tiger froze staring at the turtle is disbelief but soon recovered and demanded "Move turtle!" Blade only deepened his glare, his crimson eyes were intimating scaring the mutant fish, and bone wolf/dog.

Stockman was also shocked that the turtle was protecting him when he could easily step to the side and let the tiger do what he wanted...but no he stood his ground disobeying Tiger Claw and worst of all the Shredder. Blade just basically sacrificed himself for Stockman.

The turtle spoke through gritted teeth his voice dripping with poison "Step away Tiger Claw if you know what's best." The mutant tiger stepped back some but didn't cower under the turtles gaze, a few minutes of silence Oroku Saki spoke "Blade why do you protect this trash?"

The black banded turtle looked over his shoulder at the still cowering scientist before turning back to the armored man, "He is a good man smart, and plus you need him...who else is going to fix your weapons?" Shredder thought about what Blade said for a moment before answering "Very well Tiger Claw stand down."

The tiger hesitated before compiling but not with out glaring at the turtle which said turtle returned with his own glare, Blade handed the improved weapon to Oroku Saki who gladly took it. Tiger Claw, Bradford, Karai, and Xever left the lab leaving Shredder to question Blade and Stockman.

Back with the turtles:

They watched as Tiger Claw, Rahzar, Fishface, Karai, and Shredder enter the lab rather quickly. They watched as Stinkman cowered close to Leo, Shredder boomed "Stockman what happened here!?" The small human scientist didn't answer...the armored man motioned for Tiger Claw to get the once humanoid fly.

What happened next was shocking, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello had to blink just make sure they were seeing right. Leo stepped in front of Dexter...wait his name is Baxter, anyway Leo their fearless leader of the Hamato clan protecting scum like him.

The humanoid tiger demanded Leo to move but he stood his ground glaring at the tiger, Raph could tell that Stickman was shocked that Leonardo was protecting him and the red banded turtle wouldn't lie he was shocked too.

Something even more shocking happened next Leo gave a demand of his own through gritted teeth and a dark tone "Step away Tiger Claw if you know what's best." Their brother never spoke like that before but it was easily know he was serious and if they didn't comply someone would get hurt namely the mutant tiger.

Tiger Claw stepped back but still didn't cower like Rahzar and Fishface, Shredder soon asked "Blade why do you protect this trash?" Leo looked at Baxter...yea Baxter before answering "He is a good man and smart, and plus you need him...who else is going to fix your weapons?" Shredder thought about what Blade said for a moment before answering "Very well Tiger Claw stand down."

The mutant tiger hesitated before obeying, the turtles watched as Rahzar, Fishface, Karai, and Tiger Claw left leaving Shredder alone with Leo and Stick- no Stockman. What was he going to do to Leo, who are they kidding Leo can take care of himself....right?

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