Chapter Two

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(Your P.O.V)

A few days passed and I learned a few things, mainly from school but one thing I didn't learn was Loverboy's name. Brian Spilner, and I instantly remembered Master Splinter from TMNT. He brought Dom a piece of crap car, but with some time it would become a car Dom would be proud to drive. He seems nice and has a thing for Mia, something I don't mind from him, and I get along with him greatly. Today we were having a nice barbeque and Brian was helping Dom with the food, Mia and I were schlepping inside making anything that couldn't be made on the grill. I heard Vince's voice and yet he still left, I wish he would get over Mia and just realize that she doesn't like him. 

It took a lot of willpower to not laugh at Jesse when he was saying grace, it was clear he had never done that before and Dom was pushing it on the poor kid. He prayed to the car gods and we then ate, Vince of course showed up and Dom let him eat the food we all prepared. I kept quiet while everyone else talked, it wasn't anything new but I wish I felt like I belonged with this family but I didn't. After dinner, Mia and I were stuck washing dishes while everyone else was in the living room watching Jackie Chan. Brian was nice enough to help me and Mia, but then Vince's drunk ass decides to be an asshole to Brian and still try and get with Mia. But there is a good thing, Mia and Brian got a date Friday and I was able to convince them to bring me back something from the restaurant. I knew the place had good food from when Mom and Dad took me a few times. 

Couple of days later, I saw Brian and Dom in the garage and I knew that Dom trusted Brian a lot if he was telling Brian about why he went to prison. Brian was gonna stay in the family and it felt nice, he was one of the few people I got along with nicely without pretending to be nice. "Yo Anna, got a phone call for ya!" Vince called out and I walked over to the landline and answered it. It was a friend from school who wanted to know if I wanted to hang out with her after school tomorrow. I had to decline since I knew what Dom would say, she called me a poser and hung up. I sighed and crossed off another friend that I've lost since my parents death, thanks Dom for ruining my social life. "Who was that?" Dom asked me and I looked at him and went upstairs, completely ignoring him. A knock came on the door and I opened it to reveal Brian, who I let in. "Sorry you had to see that." I apologized to him and he simply shrugged it off. "So who was that on the phone?" He asked me and I sighed. "A friend from school, or was a friend, she wanted to hang out with me at the mall tomorrow after school but I can't because of Dom's god damn strict curfew. Got called a poser and now lost more than half of my friends I knew since I was in Kindergarten." I told him and his eyes widened at that. 

(Brian P.O.V)

I was shocked that Anna opened up to me about that, she seemed like the type of kid who would bottle it in but not her. "Why not ask the others?" I asked her and she scoffed at that. "Please, if I asked anyone then they would tell Dom and he would have a shit-fit and I don't want to deal with another one." She explained and I looked at her. "Want me to take you?" I asked her and she looked at my blue eyes with sadness. "Can't, she basically unfriended me so what's the point of going." She said and I sighed and gave her a hug which she quickly accepted and began softly crying. I felt my heart shatter at the person who I quickly saw as a little sister cry because she felt like she had no control in her life. I reassured her that it was alright and she quickly fell asleep after that. 

I gently laid her in her bed and tucked her in and left her alone. "She alright?" Dom asked me and I nodded, I couldn't tell him what she told me because he would get angry and wake her up. "She fell asleep, probably won't be up for a while." I told him and he walked away, he clearly doesn't care about her so why did he took her in. Mia cared for her, so did Letty and I but Dom, Leon, and Vince they don't care at all. 

Authors opinion: Hello everyone and here is the second chapter of this story, here we have a bit more of the movie and some insight in Anna's life when it comes to how she feels living with Dom and Mia. We also learn that Brian sees Anna like a little sister which I though was a nice touch, personally I think it's good she's getting along with someone other than Mia and Letty. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and until the next time bye

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