Chapter Fourteen

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(Your P.O.V)

I was prepping dinner when I got a phone call from Brian, and that wasn't a good sign. "Hey Bri, what's up?" I asked when I picked up the phone and accepted the call. "Anna, Dom's gone rogue apparently. The team needs your help, I can't help them anymore" Brian told me and I was nervous, I don't know how I was supposed to help them, especially with how the kids are and I don't have Tessa here to help watch them. She went over to the United States to stay with Pearce for a few weeks and she brought Liam with her so they can't watch them. "I'll see if I can find a sitter." I told him and he suggested to send them to Mia and let her watch them, I don't know if that's a good idea but I doubt Hattie will be able to watch them. "Fine, call Mia and ask her where you guys live, and arrange this with Mr. Nobody please." I ordered and he agreed and hung up the phone and then I began calling the daycare and Pia's school, telling them that they won't be coming into their respective places for about two weeks to be safe. The school's understood and thanked me for the heads up and so I began packing up everything the kids needed for the next two weeks. 

I got the address from Brian as too where Mia was staying and I also got word from Mr. Nobody, he's sending one of his soldiers here to help me get the kids to their safe place and me to the rest of the team. "Girls, come here please!" I called for them and the two came down, Pia was holding Marshall in her arms, I smiled at that but then it became a frown. "You three are going to stay with Aunt Mia and Uncle Brian for a while, I know you guys aren't really used to them but I have to do something for Dom and his friends." I told them and Luna immediately didn't like that but Pia was just silent, I swear she was like her Father at times and this was one of them. "I promise it won't be forever, I'll be back before you know it." I reassured them and the two nodded and the two left to pack, after putting Marshall in his swing. I gathered everything we needed and I sighed, I had to make sure the kid's passports were still valid and I was glad I got Marshall's done recently or else this wouldn't be possible.

Mr. Nobody's minion came and we left the apartment and headed into a black car and headed to the airport. Marshall was silent the whole time, being a baby is tiring so he went to sleep for his nap, Luna and Pia were quiet as well, thought for different reasons. Luna was watching a movie on my phone and Pia was staring out the window, she was so tired of all of this stuff with my family and I didn't blame her at all. This wasn't what me and Deckard wanted for our kids but they ended up being pulled into this life once again and I'm wondering if she's starting to resent her Father for doing this to her, I hope not cause that would be heartbreaking for all of us, even Marshall and he's only a three month old but they know feelings and can express them easily at this age.

Deckard never had a relationship with his Father as a child, and if he learned that his own daughter resented him, he wouldn't be happy or mad, but rather saddened by all of this and feel regret about everything he thinks he did wrong as a parent. I hope that we can find out if she does or not, and if she does then how might we fix this. No decent parent wants their children resenting them.

We finally landed in L.A and I sighed at the memories I had here, Mia and Brian bought the old house and since it was destroyed they bought the land and used their money to rebuilt the house and made it their own. I saw Brian and Mia waiting for us, there was also a stroller and I saw a sleeping baby girl in there and I smiled. They named their girl Giselle after a teammate that had died during the whole thing with Owen. Brian spotted us and I waved and they walked over and Mia hugged me while Brian hugged the girls and ogle over Marshall.

"Thank you for watching the kids, I know you guys are having having a time transitioning from having one kid to two kids but now five, are you going to be alright?" I asked Mia who nodded. "We'll be fine, nothing is going to happen to the kiddos." Mia reassured me and I sighed and nodded, and I pulled her aside. "Listen, I'm worried about Pia, she hasn't been her normal self since everything happened with Deckard. I know it's not fair to ask you to do this, but can you or Brian talk to her and see what's going on into her mind. I'm worried that she's resenting either me or her Dad." I asked my older cousin and she nodded in response. "Of course, Brian knows a thing or two about that so I'll ask him to talk to her." She said and I sighed, I walked over to my kids and hugged each one tightly and kissed their heads and then left with the soldier waiting for me.

Authors opinion: Hey guys and here is the newest chapter, sorry for the wait but I've just been trying to get past the emotional trauma I experienced on my senior trip. I can't remember if I talked about it to you guys but I was apparently rude and I didn't realize it but I ended up losing a friend which has affected my moods and I've been tense and not my normal self. And being a person who is Autistic, it really screws with your mind. I'll be fine soon but it shouldn't mess with my writing tone but either way until the next time bye

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