Super Sleep

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As soon as I walked in the door and heard my grandma and mom speak like that I knew I was in major trouble.

"Explain." Moms monotone voice and scary glare were so convincing I did. I spilled out everything that happened last night, my feelings and actions flowed out of my mouth. I had the case of word diarrhea, yes I know gross but that's what it was.

By the time I finished my gram was no longer glaring at me with anger, but with sympathy. My mother just looked plain shocked. I smiled, my lips shaking a little.

" I guess I can't now though because I'm in trouble, I'm so sorry I know it was irrational and stupid, but can't you understand that I'm an impulsive teenage girl who is in line for major heartbreak and wants the most I can get as soon as possible?" I let out the last words with my breath. Hopefully that is convincing enough for them to at least let me tell him I needed to reschedule.

"Ivy, go to your room I need to speak with your mother." My grandma motioned for me to leave as she and my mother took a seat at the dinning room table.

Leaving them behind, hoping my grandma would help plea my case, I walked to my room.

I needed a shower the sand was gross on my sticky skin, as much as I enjoy the beach sand is not something I like in my hair and face. (Anywhere truthfully.)

I stepped into the bathroom looking at my not so gorgeous rumpled appearance. Turning the shower on I stripped and hopped under the steamy water.

10 minutes later the sand was finally gone and I couldn't hear my family discussing. Wrapping myself in a fluffy towel I went into my room and grabbed my grey sweatpants and pink tshirt.

Putting on my clothes I stared at my outfit for my date, hopefully they will let me go and I'll be able to wear it. Sighing I turned to my mirror and grab my hair brush, brushing the thousands of knots that always seem to be in my hair.

I slapped my freshly brushed hair in a ponytail, still wet, and walked out into the living room.

"Sooo..." I kept my voice light trying to show that I was scared they might not let me go.

"You can go," my mom said not looking up from her phone, I squealed in joy and started dancing like the geeky teen I was. ",but " with that word my joy died. It's never good when parents add a but to something.
"Nash is going with you, I don't like you running around with this boy, I don't know him and you gram only knows that he is sexy." She made quotation marks with her hand when she said sexy. Ha, sexy was an understatement.

"Okay." I smiled at her and walked to my brothers room, knocking on the door I waited until he poked his head out.

"What?" He was probably mad I interrupted his precious video games.

"Mom said you have to accompany me on my date." I smiled sweetly knowing he wasn't gonna let that stand.

"K." He said and closed the door in my face. What?!?! He is okay with this?! Great now my date is gonna suck! I'm the only 17 year old with a chaperone!

Letting out a frustrated sigh I walked back into my room for a cat nap, I wasn't very refreshed from sleeping on a sandy beach.

Laying under my comfy warm, so much better then sand, blanket I closed my eyes, mentally preparing myself for this date.

Only 5 hours to go.


"Ivy, it's not polite to stare." She looked at me through the mirror as she put on her mascara. She was lucky, getting ready for her first date. It was with a boy named Toby, he goes to our church and is really cute but a bland person.

"Why are you putting makeup on?" I put slight pressure on her bed as I sat, I can't really sit because I would wrinkle the blanket and she would hurt me. She doesn't like when I mess things up.

Glaring she turned to me, " Because unlike some people I try to put an effort into my appearance so people will notice me." Turning back around she searched for a lip gloss.

She meant me, I knew it. I don't take offense to her slight remarks anymore. She could care less if she hurt my feelings so I don't let her little words hurt so much.

She didn't need makeup, she was beautiful so unlike me. A pageant girl who always looked at her best. She was lucky, I was not. She looked just like our mother, i on the other hand more like our great aunt Kelly.

"Ivy?" She snarled, I must have zoned out. She stood in front of me with her hair brush.

"Yes ma'am?" My voice shook with pure fear, she smiled at me.

"You know this is the closest thing you will ever have to a date, don't you?" Her sickening beautiful eyes sparkled with joy as I flinched.

I nodded my head and stood from my leaning position. Tears were threatening to pour out of my eyes, I couldn't help it that one hurt because I always imagine the perfect boy who will love me. And know that he wanted to marry me on our first date.

"People don't like people like you Ivy, so I'm going to let you enjoy seeing me getting ready for my date." Laughing she turned to the closet, pulling out a flowery dress.

"You know maybe you'll have a date, it'll probably be dad to your prom but at least you'll get to pretend it's something as great as my life right now." She looked at me and winked, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

I let the tears slide down my cheeks as I prayed to God that wasn't going to be my fate.

So I'm a lazy person, I've said that right? I take forever to update though I'm gonna try and make it weekly I just don't know what day yet, maybe Wednesday or possible Saturday idk ya'll can help me pick. Anywhoooo this is a filler chapter since I'm still working on the date sorry it kinda sucks Ik! Thx for reading!!!!
Xoxo- Morgan

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