Heavy heart

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"Rule?" I managed to squeak out, my gram knowing how shocked I was at this boy's beauty. He had jet black hair and was a good tan, not overly ran like he had a million spray tans, but sexy 'shirtless in the sun' type of tan. He wasn't overly sculpted, his muscles were decently existing though.

Judging from running into him and seeing him now he is probably about 6'1", compared to my 5'4" a giant!

What was the most beautiful piece about him was his tattoos, he had a few, one large masterpiece on his back with a cross, names, and crows. With a couple of his chest.

One which was very very low on his "v". Making my eyes drag there more then they should. With a man this perfect, he had to be perfect there as well!

"Ivy, honey close your mouth before you let bugs in, I know he is quite a looker but still have some dignity." My gram said shaking me back to reality, she took a lemonade off the table and handed it to me.

"By the look on your face, I'm assuming, Rule is going to become your summer crush?" I loved my gram but she was a gossip, she loved telling me how much boys looked at me, which I knew was NOT true.

I'm not pretty. I know I sound like a typical low self esteem teenager, but in today's world, skinny was seen as the ultimate pretty. And I, well I'm far from skinny, with my size 12 jeans.

Everyone says I'm not fat, but honestly do they think I believe them? I have a big ass, big thighs and a hole lotta double chin when I look down far enough.

Being bigger does have its perks, like having big boobs, though I think mine could grow a little more. But, skinny girls have that too! I'm not hating on thin girls, matter of fact I envy them, they have the best of both worlds. I'm sure they have the same self image issues as me, but from my point of view they are gorgeous compared to me.

And this boy, Rule, well by the looks of him he was worthy of someone who was gorgeous and sized correctly for him. In other words, not me. I am to big and to short. He needs a thin tall girl who would complete him, possible making one of the worlds hottest couples.

"Ivy, what are you thinking?"my gram's face was full of concern, she knew how I withdrew into myself, like I was starting to do 5 seconds ago.

"I wonder how much that tattoo on his back hurt." I lied yes, but my family has suffered enough from trying to make me see myself better, no need to pull them down with me.

She gave a slight chuckle and looked at me with amusement glinting in her green eyes. "Oh, you scared me for a minute, I thought you were over analyzing again. I don't know but you could ask him, perhaps we will go to the pool once everyone comes up." Looking at the door and back at me. She pursed her lips and took my hand.
"You left them to carry all your shit didn't you?"

I snorted, knowing she meant my parents and brother. Gram sure seemed like a lady but when she felt like it a curse would come through breaking the act.
"Yeah, I did, I missed you and needed to get away from them."

She smiled and said how that was sweet, then got up to refill her lemonade, leaving me staring at a boy I would never have. He was a dream, one I sure as hell would be having wishing for all summer.

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