Thick tensions

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I finished making his ice cream, my heart still pounding away in my chest. He didn't have a double meaning to that, did he? He wasn't taking notice in me was he? How do I respond?

My thoughts were on rapid fire, I was so distracted by them I didn't hear Rule calling my name.

"Ivy?" His voice saying my name did things to me that it shouldn't be doing. I focused my eyes to him and saw his look of pure concern.

Before I knew what he was doing, he had pushed through the tiny half door of the stand and stood in front of me, placing his gorgeously tan hands against my pale chubby arms. He spoke me slightly. "You okay? Your face lost its color and you looked consumed by something."

His hands were on me! He was touching me and wasn't revolting away in disgust that my arms weren't toothpicks, who is this boy? How is he able to overlook my build and see me?

"Yeah, I'm fine, just tired." I shook my head slowly, looking up into his snowstorm eyes. The concern was still there though it has lessened, becoming something different. He looked at down at my lips and back up to my eyes.

I noticed how close we had gotten. Where did that ice cream go?

"Oh shit!!" I jumped back realizing in all our heated staring, I had managed to get so close to Rule that I smushed the ice cream into both our stomachs.

He still hadn't seemed to notice, only looking at me, amusement written all over his face. I pointed to his shirt and mine. "I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened I wasn't thinking I owe you a shirt, and ice cream is on the house!!"

I went to get a rag and started to wipe off his shirt. I was very focused trying to make sure I got it all out. Once I was sure it was out I looked up at him.

The look from earlier had returned. I sucked in a breath, I wasn't used to boys giving me this type of stare.

"Thanks." He said staring me straight in the eyes, his voice had turned even huskier somehow. Deepened with lust.

I smiled weakly and backed up into the counter away from his stare. As much as I enjoyed it, I was scared.

He seemed to notice that and scratched the back of his head. Dragging my eyes to his biceps, another tattoo peaking out from the edge of his tshirt.

I swallowed, this man made this tiny stand seem even tinier, to the point where I needed to get out. Now.

"Um, do you want the same order? Or more?" My voice quivering with the fear of his beauty. I don't know why but he scared me, I didn't think he would harm me, but I was still scared.

"Never mind of ice cream, can I get some tomorrow? I have lost my craving for ice cream." He licked his lips sending my eyes straight there. Though he was a good ten feet away I felt as if he was right in front of me, by the warm feeling spreading all over me body.

"Yeah, tomorrow works for sure." I gripped the counter behind me. Please leave, just turn around and leave. Don't look back at me, just go. I was begging him to hear my silent pleas.

He must have, because he turned toward the door and left so quick that it was swinging violently.

How come every time I'm around him I embarrass myself?! Why had he cause a fear in me, but at the same time something so strong I didn't understand I thing.

I let out a long ragged breath and closed up the stand. Texting Mark that I was done for the night. Taking off the apron I walked back to the condo.

What had happened? Surely that was a dream, guys like him don't stare at girls like me, with that type of heat and intense lust.

I walked into the condo, going to my room to shower. I stood under the water letting it hit me over and over again, until I could no longer feel.

I can't get him out of my head. Tomorrow he was going to get his ice cream. why did that excite me, he just wanted an ice cream.

I wrapped myself in a fluffy pink towel and went into my room, walking to the white framed mirror, I stared at the girl in front of me.

It's been 7 years since I saw who I used to be, now I only saw what she had wanted me to see. Pure ugly, fat, shame of a girl. But the longer I stared the more I saw a little bit of the ten year old Ivy peaking out.

She was in my eyes and in the way I held the towel, I saw the brave girl I was. But she was trapped in who I am now.

Turning from my mirror I pulled on my sweat pants and tank top, crawling under my fluffy blue comforter, I let sleep take me. Hoping I would wake up to back when I was 10, before I saw myself in such a negative way.

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