"Large, please?"

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After 20 minutes of simple talking with my grandmom, about school and work, everyone came up with everything, saying that they got stuck in the elevator. If only I was stuck
In the elevator I would have never made a fool of myself in front of Rule.

"Do you want to head down to the beach?" My brother, Nash, said poking me in the side of my head.

"No thanks, twerp I'm gonna head to the food stand and see if they are hiring." I ruffled his short blond hair and stood up heading to my room to get dressed.

Everyone has a room at my grandmom's condo, she has the master, my parents have the next biggest and me and my brother have the rooms that are connected to a bathroom. It's a pretty big condo.

When gram first bought this place, I was 7 and never imagined leaving. This changed over the years and no matter how much I love my room here, I'm always ready to leave by the end of the trip.

My room has a window looking over the beach... and the pool...

I used to have blinds but they broke two summers ago and we haven't replaced them, so I have a perfect view of the lifeguard chair. Yay for me!!!
Would it make me a creepy stalker for wanting to just sit in my room and watch him?

After standing and staring at him, he was watching a group of boys play toss in the deep end, I decided I was being to creepy and went to change.

Taking off my car clothes I put on Jean shorts, a concert tee and vans, more of a boardwalk outfit but I needed to go talk to the manager of concessions.

I left my room, grabbing my keycard and beach pass. I worked here last year, just in the beach stand which was always busy so had a lot of workers.

I walked to the main building and up to the main office. I told the secretary I was there to see about a job and she waved me into an office, handing me a clipboard of papers and pen.

"Ivy? Need a job this year ,too?" Mark, my old boss walked into the office.

"Hey Mark, yeah I need something to do around here." He always said I should be a normal teenage girl and just tan and swim and watch boys all summer, which yes I'll be doing but I like working.

"Okay cool, so ice cream stand or beach stand again?" Holding two keys, one in each palm to me, each labeled for which stand.

Being 27 and Sea City Beach resident he understood what a pain the beach stand was when the college kids came around.

"Why do you even ask?" I smiled and took the ice cream stand's key and hugged him and left. I officially had a job again.

I walked to the ice cream stand, which might I add is by the indoor pool, not the pool Rule is stationed today but yes a pool.

I unlocked everything put on the cheesy apron and went to wipe down a few tables.

Walking back into the shack after wiping three tables I turned the music on and waited for my first customer.

I didn't have to wait long, it was getting close to lunch time, so kids were begging for ice cream and parents gave in, because it's vacation, who says no on vacation?

After a particularly long order, I wiped down and looked to see no one else in line. I continued to clean my work area until I heard someone clear their voice behind me.


"Hey, your the new ice cream girl? Cool I'm Rule, the guy you ran into this morning, and one of the lifeguards." He chuckled and smiled down at me, yeah he had to be 6'1" maybe even 6'2". His perfect teeth were showing in his gorgeous smile, ahh such sexy lips.

"Oh, um.. Hi, I'm Ivy, sorry again for running into you. What would you like?" I so wanted the words 'I want you' to come out of his mouth, but my life is not a cheesy romance movie.

"Vanilla, in a cone." He said simply, yeah my life really isn't a romance movie, he didn't even flirt.

"What size cone?" I stared at his beautiful lips waiting for his answer. I don't stare into people's eyes but my eyes were being pulled to his. They were a beautiful icy blue, like a snow storm was happening to make their color so vibrant.

"Large, please?" He said staring straight into my eyes, there wasn't any undertone of his words, talking of me. I don't think.

But, still I could only turn and make it for him, his words burning themselves into my mind.

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